
 Course:  Philosophy 251, Elementary Symbolic Logic, Sections 01, 02.
 Time:  Fall 2023, MWF, 01: 9-9:50; 02: 10:30-11:20
 Location:  Huanities 105
 Instructor:  Geoff Goddu, x8733 or 804 543-5676 (absolutely no later than 10 pm!)
 Office Hours: T 11:00-1:00;W: 12:00-2:00; R 10:00 - 12:00; by appointment. Humanities 401

 Requirements:  Three one-hour in-class Exams: 54%
   Five Writing Assignments: 5%  
   Homework Assignments: 10%
   Final Exam: 31%

You may, if you wish, work in groups to solve the homework problems, but each student must hand in his or her own homework on time. Homework Assignments, if handed in on time, will be graded out of 10. Late assignments will be graded out of 9. Assignments will be accepted any day prior to the exam for which the assignment is practice.

There is no textbook for this class. Assignments are all available online. Since there is no textbook, if you find your self not understanding the material you should seek assistance promptly--either make an appointment with me or visit a logic tutor in the Academic Skills Center.

Disability Support Services: If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please visit the University of Richmond Disability Services website to begin the accommodations process as soon as possible. If you already have a University of Richmond Disability Accommodation Notice (DAN), please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, so that I am aware of your accommodations. No student will receive accommodations of any kind without a DAN.

Honor Code: All four Exams and all five Writing Assignments must be your own individual and independent work and must satisfy the conditions of the honor pledge.

Attendance: Attendance is not required, but is highly recommended. Note that you are responsible for all assigned material.

Area of Inquiry Requirement: Elementary Symbolic Logic satisfies the Symbolic Reasoning (SR) Area of Inquiry. For specific details see the linked Purpose Statement for this course.

Grading Scale: A+ 97.5-100 A 92.5-97.49 A- 89.5-92.49
  B+ 87.5-89.49 B 82.5-87.49 B- 79.5-82.49
  C+ 77.5-79.49 C 72.5-77.49 C- 69.5-72.49
  D+ 67.5-69.49 D 62.5-67.49 D- 59.5-62.49
      F 0-59.49    

Provisional Schedule: [All readings and exercises are due at the beginning of class.]

 Day  Date  Requirements Due
 1 M 8/28  
 2 W 8/30  Put all arguments on Handout 1 in standard form.
 3 F 9/1  Handout 2, I, II.
 4 M 9/4  Handout 3, III, IV
 5 W 9/6  Handout 3, V.
 6 F 9/8  Handout 4, VI
 7 M 9/11

 Handout 4, VII;Writing Assignment #1

 8 W 9/13  Handout 5, VIII, IX.
 9 F 9/15 EXAM #1
 10 M 9/18
 11 W 9/20 Handout 6, X, XI
 12 F 9/22 Handout 6, XII, XIII
 13 M 9/25 Handout 7, XIV;Writing Assignment #2.
 14 W 9/27 Handout 7, XV
 15 F 9/29 Handout 8, XVI
 16 M 10/2 Handout 8, XVII
 17 W 10/4 EXAM #2
 18 F 10/6
 19 M 10/9 Handout 9, XVIII;Writing Assignment #3.
 20 W 10/11 Handout 9, XIX
 21 F 10/13 Handout 9, XX
Fall Break  
22 W 10/18 Handout 10, XXI
23 F 10/20 Handout 10, XXII
24 M 10/23 Handout 11, XXIII
 25 W 10/25 Handout 11, XXIV
 26 F 10/27 Handout 12, XXV
 27 M 10/30 Handout 12, XXVI;Writing Assignment #4.
 28 W 11/1 Handout 12, XXVII; EXAM #3
 29 F 11/3  
 30 M 11/6 Handout 13, XXVIII
 31 W 11/8 Handout 13, XXIX
 32 F 11/10 Handout 14, XXX
 33 M 11/13 Handout 14, XXXI;Writing Assignment #5.
 34 W 11/15 Handout 15, XXXII
 35 F 11/17 Handout 15, XXXIII
36 M 11/20 Handout 16, XXXIV
37 M 11/27 Handout 16, XXXV
38 W 11/29 Handout 16, XXXVI
39 F 11/1 Handout 17, XXXVII
40 M 12/3 Handout 17, XXXVIII
41 W 12/5 Handout 18 XXXIX
42 F 12/7 Handout 18 XL


01: Monday, December 11, 9:00 am

02: Friday, December 15, 9:00 am

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