Quantum Mechanics


The following table contains the homework assignments for Quantum Mechanics 1 for the fall, 2024 semester. They are taken from Introductory Quantum Mechanics by Richard L. Liboff and from ones written by me. A list of the locally produced problem sets is below. Reading assignments follow the word 'Read' which are taken from Liboff abbreviated by 'L', the Knight introductory text abbreviated by 'K' (3rd edition, link here to an electronic copy). For problems I first list the chapter number in Liboff or a link to one the local assignments followed by the homework problems to be done.

Assignments to be handed in for grading will have that explicitly stated in the assignment below. Unexcused, late, homework submissions will be reduced by one point if not handed in during the appropriate class period. An additional point will be subtracted for each subsequent day late. Late submissions will be excused only at the discretion of the instructor.

You are encouraged to discuss the homework with others, but any work handed in must be entirely your own to receive full credit.

Date Assignment Date Assignment Date Assignment
Aug 26 Read Liboff Chap 1; Read Knight Sections 37.1-37.2 and 38.1-38.4; Read the syllabus; Problems Chap 1 - 1,4,5,7. Aug 28 Read Liboff Chap 2.1-2.6; Read Knight 34.5-34.6; Problems Chap 1 - 19.a-c (Hint),20; Chap 2 - 14,15; Experimental Foundations - 2,6. Aug 30 Time-Independent Schroedinger Equation - 1,2; Problems Chap 2 - 23,24,31,48; Get Mathematica installed; Bring laptop to next class.
Sep 2 Chap 3 - 4,5; Time Independent Schroedinger Equation - 1,2 - hand in no. 2 Wednesday, Sep 4; read homework instructions. Sep 4 Chap 3 - 10,15; Time Independent Schroedinger Equation - 3,4; Hand in "Traveling Waves" Monday, Sep 9. See instructions for lab reports here. Sep 6 Chap 4 - 1,3; Matter Waves 1 - 1.
Sep 9 Sep 11 Sep 13
Sep 16 Sep 18 Sep 20
Sep 23 Sep 25 Sep 27
Sep 30 Oct 2 Test 1 Oct 4
Oct 7 Oct 9 Oct 11
Oct 14 Fall Break Oct 16 Oct 18
Oct 21 Oct 23 Oct 25
Oct 28 Oct 30 Nov 1
Nov 4 Nov 6 Nov 8
Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 15
Nov 18 Nov 20 Test 2 Nov 22
Nov 25 Nov 27 Thanksgiving Nov 29 Thanksgiving
Dec 2 Dec 4 Dec 6

Final Exam: Friday, Dec 10, 2-5 pm.

Problem sets for introductory quantum mechanics created by G.P. Gilfoyle.

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