Course Information and Syllabi
Dr. McWhorter, James Thomas Professor in Philosophy
Professor of Environmental Studies and Women, Gender, and Sexualities Studies
University of Richmond
Over the next two years, I anticipate offering the following courses:
Fall, 2011: Contemporary Moral Issues and WGSS Research Methods and Capstone Preparation.
Spring, 2012: Power and Politics and some other course of interest to students (whoever gets to me first).
Fall, 2012: Environmental Ethics and probably either WGSS 200 or a Feminist Theory course.
Spring, 2013: 20th Century Continental Philosophy and some other course of interest to students.
Which courses I teach in those open slots will depend on my interests, students interests, and the outcome of curriculum revision discussions in Philosophy and in WGSS.
The links below are to syllabi of courses I have taught before. There are links to previous offerings of 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Environmental Ethics, Power and Politics, WGSS Research Methods, and WGSS 200. Those syllabi are good guides to what is likely to be included in those courses in upcoming semesters.
CORE 101: Exploring Human Experience
CORE 102: Exploring Human Experience
PHIL 239: Existentialism and Postmodern Philosophy
PHIL 221/WGSS 221: Feminist Political Theories
PHIL 351: Seminar in Philosophical Methods
PHIL 380: Seminar in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant
PHIL 272: History of Modern Western Philosophy
PHIL 258: Introduction to Feminist Theories
PHIL 344: 20th Century Continental Philosophy
PHIL 358/WGSS 399: Advanced Feminist Political Theories
PHIL 380: Sex, Crime, and Knowledge
PHIL/ENVR 269: Environmental Ethics
WGSS 200: Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 489: Research Methods and Capstone Preparation
None of these courses has a formal prerequisite, except for PHIL 351, which is restricted to junior and senior majors and minors in Philosophy, and WGSS 489, which is restricted to senior majors in Women, Gender, and Sexualities Studies. PHIL 380 (technically "studies in philosophy") is always an advanced course, so it is not usually appropriate for beginning students; however, entering students who have a special interest in the subject matter and have done some reading on their own might consider taking such courses.
PHIL 272 satisfies the General Education requirement in Historical Studies as well as a major and minor requirement in Philosophy. PHIL 258/WGSS 221 satisfies a major and minor requirement in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and counts as an elective in the Philosophy major and minor. WGSS 200 satisfies a major and minor requirement in WGSS. PHIL 269/ENVR 269 is required for the Environmental Studies major. PHIL 363 counts as an elective in the Political Science major.