PHIL 380:01 Special Topics in Philosophy

Sex, Crime, and Knowledge:
The Work of Michel Foucault

Fall, 2002
Dr. McWhorter

Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a French post-structuralist philosopher and historian. His work spans three decades of the twentieth century and focuses on the histories of fields of knowledge and institutional power, especially on the history of madness and mental institutions, criminology and penal institutions, and sexuality and the production of socially sanctioned sexual identities. This course will explore his work in detail, with special attention to the philosophical issues embedded within it--issues such as the nature of human subjectivity, the epistemological implications of historical change, and the legitimacy of political power. There are no prerequisites, but students with no background in philosophy should check with the professor to determine the likelihood of success in the course before enrolling.

Course Syllabus
Assignments and Grading
Class Contact List
Foucault Links

NOTE: This site is still under construction.

If you have questions, please email Dr. McWhorter.