Course Policies

Ladelle McWhorter, James Thomas Professor,
Philosophy and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
University of Richmond

Late Work:

All written work must be turned in on the date and by the time specified on the assignment, unless the student has made prior arrangements with the professor or the student is willing to take a reduction in grade. Extensions are rarely granted and only for extremely unusual circumstances. Reductions in grades are made as follows: One half of a letter grade will be deducted for each day past the deadline. (Day One begins one minute past the time of the deadline, no matter what time of the day that is.) The student is under no obligation to provide an explanation of why work is late. For some assignments, as will be noted when they are made, this policy does not apply, and a specific set of guidelines will be issued.

In-Class Exam Attendance:

All students must attend in-class exams unless they are physically incapacitated, in which case documentation after the fact will be required before a make-up exam will be administered. (Incapacitated students should seek medical attention as soon as possible.) Students who will be out of town for university-sponsored athletic or other events must take the exam prior to the exam date, not after, and must contact the professor to make arrangements for this alternate exam time at least one week before the rest of the class is to take the exam. Students who miss an in-class exam in the absence of either prior arrangement or a documented medical emergency may request a make-up exam, which may or may not be given, depending on circumstances and the discretion of the professor. Any make-up exam given under these conditions will automatically receive a 50% grade deduction. The best policy, then, is for students to take responsibility for their personal scheduling and for attending class on test days.

Honor Codes:

All work undertaken in any course at the University of Richmond must satisfy both the letter and the spirit of the University's Honor Codes. All written work must be pledged.

Class Attendance:

Students who are in good health should attend class. (It is impossible to participate in class when one is not present; students should check the assignments page of their course syllabus to determine how class participation grades will be determined for the specific courses in which they are enrolled.) Students who are contagious should not attend class and should definitely not drop by the professor's office to explain the situation. Furthermore, lengthy emails describing symptoms are not necessary and are rarely appreciated.


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