CORE 101
Dr. McWhorter, Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Richmond, VA 23173
Fall, 2009

The following texts are available for this course in the university bookstore:

Mahfouz, Fountain and Tomb
Five Dialogues

Plato, Symposium

Darwin, On Evolution

Coetzee, Age of Iron

Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals

Marx, Selected Writings

Wharton, The House of Mirth

PLEASE NOTE: Each student is expected to bring a copy of the text to be discussed to every class meeting.

In addition to this syllabus, which is for Core 101 sections 17 and 43 only, there is a "Common Syllabus" for all Core sections, which will be given out on August 24 in class.

**All assignments in this course are detailed on the assignments page.

***All course policies are detailed on the policies page.



August 24: Introduction to the Course; Mafouz, Fountain and Tomb, chapters 1-22.

August 26: Mafouz, Fountain and Tomb, entire.

August 28: Plato, Apology from Five Dialogues, entire.

August 31: Plato, Apology and Phaedo from Five Dialogues, entire.

September 2: Plato, Phaedo; Optional Paper #1 Due!

September 4: Plato, Symposium, entire.

September 7: Plato, Symposium; Optional Paper #2 Due!

September 9: Darwin, On the Origin of the Species, in On Evolution, 160-85.

September 11: Darwin, On the Origin of the Species, in On Evolution, 189-200.

September 14: Darwin, On the Origin of the Species, in On Evolution, 205-15.

September 16: Darwin, The Descent of Man, in On Evolution, 242-56

September 18: Darwin, The Descent of Man, in On Evolution, 260-76.

September 21: No Class: Professor attends liberal arts conference at Washington and Lee University.

September 23: Discussion of Darwin, Plato, and Mahfouz; review all reading and class notes. Optional Paper #3 Due!

September 25-28: No Class: Professor speaks at University of Memphis and Vanderbilt University..

September 30: Coetzee, Age of Iron, 3-51.

October 2: Coetzee, Age of Iron, 51-108.

October 5: Coetzee, Age of Iron, 108-151.

October 7: Coetzee, Age of Iron, 151-98.

October 9: MID-TERM EXAM!

October 12: Fall Break!


October 14: Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals, preface and introduction; Optional Paper #4 Due!

October 16: Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals, essay 1.

October 19: Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals, essay 2.

October 21: Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals, essay 3.

October 23: No regular class meeting; required afternoon visit to the Virginia State Capitol: This officially sanctioned field trip takes precedence over any other activities, including any other course meetings between 3:00 and 6:00 pm. Students will receive a written noticeof this trip from their college deans to show other instructors, if necessary. All students must be in the Robins Center parking lot no later than 3:20. The bus will depart promptly at 3:30 so that it will arrive at the state capitol in downtown Richmond by 4:00. The class will be given a special tour of both the interior and the exterior of the building that will last until 5:00, when the bus will leave the capitol for the return trip to campus, arriving at the Robins Center parking lot by 5:45 pm. It would be wise to bring a small note pad and pen, and you may want to bring a camera, if you have one. Optional Paper #5 Due!

October 26: Discussion: The State Capitol.

October 28: Optional Paper #6 Due!

October 30: No Class! Meetings of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.

November 2: Locke, Second Treatise of Government, chapters 1-5.

November 4: Locke, Second Treatise of Government, chapters 8 and 9.

November 6: Marx, The Communist Manifesto from Selected Writings, 157-69. Optional Paper #7 Due!

November 9: Marx, The Communist Manifesto from Selected Writings, 169-76 and 185-86.

November 11: Marx, The German Ideology from Selected Writings, 102-12 and 115-21.

November 13: M arx, Capital, Vol. 1, from Selected Writings, 214-16, 220-25, and 230-43.

November 16: Marx, Capital, Vol. 1, from Selected Writings, 264-73 and 294-300.

November 18: Discussion: Locke and Marx; Optional Paper #8 Due!

November 20: Wharton, House of Mirth, 1-77.

November 23: Wharton, House of Mirth, 77-145; Optional Paper #9 Due!

November 25-27: Thanksgiving Break!

November 30: Wharton, House of Mirth, 146-219.

December 2: Wharton, House of Mirth, 219-275.

December 4: Wharton, House of Mirth, 275-350.

December 11 at 9:00 am & December 14 at 2:00 pm: Final exam.

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