Advanced Feminist Political Theories

PHIL 358/WGSS 390/PLSC 379
Fall, 2005
Dr. McWhorter

NOTE: I am teaching a version of this course currently (Spring 2011) but my syllabus is only on Blackboard rather than on this website. I will be happy to provide a syllabus to anyone interested by email.

The following books are required reading for the course and are available for purchase in the University Bookstore.

Cahill and Hansen, Continental Feminism Reader
Fraser, Justice Interruptus
Shiva, Biopiracy
Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark
Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference

Calendar of Readings and Discussion Topics:

August 30:
Introduction to the Course.

Unit One: Freedom

September 1:
Cahill & Hansen, 191-220: Hansen's introduction to the work of Drucilla Cornell and Cornell's essay "Living Together: Psychic Space and the Demand for Sexual Equality."

September 6:
Cahill & Hansen, 23-34: Cahill's introduction to the work of Judith Butler and excerpt from Butler's Gender Trouble, "'Woman' as the Subject of Feminism."

September 8:
Cahill & Hansen, 34-47: excerpts from Butler's Gender Trouble, "Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions" and "From Interiority to Gender Performatives."

September 13:
No class: Students are responsible for viewing video "Paris is Burning" on reserve in the MRC.

September 15:
Cahill & Hansen, 34-55: excerpts from Butler's Gender Trouble, "'Woman' as the Subject of Feminism," "Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions," "From Interiority to Gender Performatives," and "Conclusion: From Parody to Politics."

September 20:
Cahill & Hansen, 57-88: Cahill's introduction to the work of Rosi Braidotti and Braidotti's essay "Sexual Difference as a Nomadic Political Project." First Essay Due!

Unit Two: Power

September 22:
Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark, xxv-91. You can visit Starhawk's homepage.

September 27:
Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark, 92-182 and ix-xxi.

September 29:
Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark, 183-219.

October 4:
Allen, "Rethinking Power," on electronic reserve.

October 6:
Allen, The Power of Feminist Theory, "Power Trouble," 65-86, on electronic reserve. Second Essay Due!

October 11:
Cahill & Hansen, 253-75, Cahill's Introduction to the Work of Moira Gatens and Gatens' essay, "Power, Bodies, and Difference."

October 13:
Cahill & Hansen, 275-86, Gatens, "Toward a Feminist Philosophy of the Body."

October 18 and 20:
NO CLASS: Fall Break and Meetings of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy in Salt Lake City.

Unit Three: Justice

October 25:
Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, 15-65. Iris Young is a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, where you can see her web page.

October 27:
Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, 66-121.

November 1:
Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, 122-55.

November 3:
Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, 156-91. Third Essay Due! Term Paper Topic Due!

November 8:
Class will convene in Boatwright Library Computer Room for work on term paper bibliographies with research librarianLucretia McCulley.

November 10:
Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, 192-225. NOTE: Evelyn Fox Keller will speak in the Brown-Alley Room at 7:00 p.m. on "Innate Confusions: Nature, Nurture, and All That."

November 15:
Special Guest Speaker Sandi DuBowski, filmmaker and director of "Trembling Before G-d"; class will be followed at 5:30 by a reception and a public viewing of the film at 7:00 p.m. in Jepson 118.

November 17:
Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference, 226-60. Working Bibliography Due!

November 22:
Fraser, Justice Interruptus, 11-66. Fourth Essay Due!

November 24:
No Class: Thanksgiving.

November 29:
Fraser, Justice Interruptus, 173-205. Refined Thesis and Outline Due!

December 1:
Electronic reserve: Shiva, Staying Alive, 1-37. You can see pictures of Vandana Shiva and read an interview with her in In Motion Magazine.

December 6:
Shiva, Biopiracy, 1-64.

December 8:
Shiva, Biopiracy, 65-126.

December 16:
Term Paper due by 5:00 pm.

Questions? Email Dr. McWhorter.