Books and Documents
1. Student's Books
Each student should have the following materials:
Hinnebusch, Thomas J. & Mirza, Sarah. Kiswahili: Msingi wa kusema,
kusoma na kuandika (Swahili: A Foundation for Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America, 1979.
Moshi, J. Lioba. Kitabu Cha Wanafunzi Wa Mwaka Wa Kwanza (Swahili
Exercises for First Year Students). University Press of America: University
Press of America, 1988.
Perrott, D. V. Swahili. New York: David McKay, 1957.
Zawawi, Sharifa. Kiswahili Kwa Kitendo: An Introductory Course.
Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1993.
Zawawi, Sharifa. Jifunze Kiswahili Chetu: Workbook. Trenton,
NJ: Africa World Press, 1993.
For those who would like seeking to learn Kiswahili on their own, Zawawi's
books, according to many Kiswahili teachers, lend themselves to a self-paced
program. It comes with audio-tapes and the author has given a suggested
"syllabus" for anyone wishing to learn the language. It is a very widely
used book and available from the publisher. As for the audio-tapes, refer
to the author herself.
2. Audio-tapes
The MLL Multimedia Laboratory,
located in the basement of the Puryear Hall, houses two kinds of Kiswahili
tapes. One set is Zawawi's, the recommended tapes for the Self-Paced Program.
The other set is . For information on the use of the tapes, refer to the
MLL Laboratory's policies.
3. Videos for the Course
1) Mikono na Uso Safi (Clean Hands and Face) - Kenya
2) Meno safi yenye nguvu (Clean and Strong Teeth) - Kenya
3) More Time - Zimbabwe (Tamthilia ya Vijana/Ukimvi)
4) Kuzaliwa Afrika (Born in Africa) - Uganda
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