Multimedia Resources

1. Radio broadcasts.

There are many electronic resources that a student can use to improve his or her Kiswahili. One of the ways is radio broadcastings of major international services. Listening to the news at least one hour everyday could be very helpful. I recommend the following:
  1. Kiswahili Sauti ya Ujerumani, Deutsche Welle broadcasts news and other cultural programs on the web.
  2. BBC Swahili service. The BBC offers programs in Kiswahili toward Africa and the world.
  3. Voice of America, Swahili service. It broadcasts to listeners in East Africa for an audience estimated at 80 million people. You will find here the 6:30 O clock news bulletin.
  4. Sauti ya Kiswahili ya Kenya. With the proper software, you can listen to Kenyan news both in English and in Kiswahili.

2. Other audio-visual aids.

  1. The Kamusi project at Yale University involves many collaborators to amass important resources for the study of Kiswahili. Beside the dictionary proper, it collects contributions from various researchers.
  2. Tuzugumze Kiswahili, Let's speak Kiswahili, a televised interactive program at the University of Pennyslvania with the collaboration of Alwiya S. Omar. It is an interactive teaching session televised twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. It will feature native speakers live and post supplemental interactive activities on the Web. Other activities include Kiswahili listening and reading activities followed by i interactive exercises for first-year-students.
  3. The Black History Collective at Queen's University at Kingston in Ontario, Canada, has also activities exercises on the Web

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