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CCPR 6772 UPDATE ( bbftp problems)

Here is an update to the help request you submitted.
When you reply to THIS message, Please DO NOT include the original text below.

Mod Date:   2001/03/01
Mod Time:   11:52:20 
Mod User:   kowalski
Current State:   COMPLETE
STATE changed from (WORKING) to COMPLETE. 
ESNet has closed the trouble ticket.  We will assume the problem
was corrected with the fixes noted in previous updates.  If you
still have problems, submit a new problem report and we will 
open another trouble ticket with ESNet.
Here is a copy of your Original Request:
Email:    ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
Staff:	  kowalski
Subject:   bbftp problems
    I have been trying to transfer files from JLab to the University
 of Richmond during the last couple of days and failing. The
 problem is the following.
 1. I am using bbftp to transfer files from the CLAS work disk at
 /work/clas/disk3/gilfoyle to Richmond.
 2. I can transfer small files without difficulty.
 3. When i try to transfer large DST files (actually only about
 78 MBytes per file) the connection times out and I get stuff like
 the following.
 psc1:data> bbftp -u gilfoyle -i bbftpctrl bbftp.jlab.org
 Password (max length = 8192): 
 Starting under pid 26401 on Fri Feb 23 09:05:18
 >> USERNAME gilfoyle PASS
 << bbftpd version 1.9.1 : OK
 >> COMMAND : cd /work/clas/disk3/gilfoyle/
 << OK : Current remote directory is /w/work610/gilfoyle
 >> COMMAND : get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 Child 026402 : Error while receiving : Time Out
 << Connection timed out
 Retrying transfer waiting 60 s
 >> COMMAND : get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 Child 026403 : Error while receiving : Time Out
 Read message : Time out : MSG (20,0)Error reading BAD message after send
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 Cannot connect to control socket: No route to host
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 >> USERNAME gilfoyle PASS
 << bbftpd version 1.9.1 : OK
 >> COMMAND : cd /w/work610/gilfoyle
 << OK : Current remote directory is /w/work610/gilfoyle
 >> COMMAND : get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 Child 026406 : Error while receiving : Time Out
 Read message : Time out : MSG (20,0)Error reading BAD message after send
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 Cannot connect to control socket: No route to host
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 The bbftp control file I was using is below.
 psc1:data> more bbftpctrl
 cd /work/clas/disk3/gilfoyle/
 get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a01prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a02prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a03prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a04prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a05prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a06prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a07prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a08prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a10prod19.rzn
 4. This occurs even when I try data transfers late at night (around
 11:30 pm)
 5. I tried registering this problem with CCPR and I get a message
 'Unable to locate the server mis.jlab.org'.
 Thanks-in-advance for your help.
 Jerry Gilfoyle
 Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
 Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
 University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
 USA                               fax:    804-289-8482