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Subject: CCPR 6772 [Fwd: TTS #7207 Update - JLab<->U of Richmond Packet Losses]

The following is a reply to CCPR report from philpott@jlab.org

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 Received: from jlab1.jlab.org (jlab1.jlab.org [])
 	by ccs4.jlab.org (8.11.0/8.11.0) with ESMTP id f1QLs8I04137
 	for <Sandy.Philpott@jlab.org>; Mon, 26 Feb 2001 16:54:08 -0500 (EST)
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 Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 13:54:04 -0800
 From: John Paul Jones <jpj@es.net>
 Organization: L.B.N.L./Energy Science Network
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 To: Sandy Philpott <Sandy.Philpott@jlab.org>
 CC: lawsonj@vt.edu, chiles@vt.edu, "trouble@es.net" <trouble@es.net>,
 Subject: TTS #7207 Update - JLab<->U of Richmond Packet Losses
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 Hi Sandy,
     This looks like ther may be a problem somewhere past our handoff with
 Network Virginia.  Traceroutes are blocked after that point until the end host
 is reached.
 cebaf-rt1#trace psc1.richmond.edu
 Tracing the route to psc1.richmond.edu (
   1 dchub-jlab.es.net ( 20 msec 20 msec 20 msec
   2 dcconn-dchub.es.net ( 44 msec 44 msec 40 msec
   3 nvirginia-dcconn.es.net ( 44 msec 48 msec 44 msec
   4  *  *  *
   5  *  *  *
   6  *  *  *
   7  *  *  *
   8  *  *  *
   9  *  *  *
  10  *  *  *
  11  *  *  psc1.richmond.edu ( [AS 7066] 80 msec
 We can get to Network Virginia from our router at JLab with no losses, but when
 the pings are run to the first Network Virginia hop & to the psc1.richmond.edu
 host simultaneously, the problem is clearly past ESnet.
 To Network Virginia - First Handoff Point Past ESnet
 Sending 1000, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
 Success rate is 100 percent (1000/1000), round-trip min/avg/max = 40/49/376 ms
 Simultaneously To Richmond End Host psc1.richmond.edu
 Sending 1000, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
 Success rate is 87 percent (879/1000), round-trip min/avg/max = 76/84/256 ms
 Some of these packet losses look like normal network congestion somewhere in the
 path between Network Virginia & the University of Richmond end host.  However,
 the consistent, long outage times indicate some other problem.  I'm cc:'ing the
 Network Virginia NOC to see if they can be of further assistance to you.
 Network Virginia NOC, is there any condition you might be aware of that would
 account for these 70 second outages?  Granted, this could also be a problem at
 the user end's network but we have no visibility to check further.  Your
 assistance would be appreciated.  Please reply with your findings to
 trouble@es.net referencing our ticket TTS #7207.  Thanks, John.
 ESnet Operations, please update TTS #7207.  Thanks, John.
 John Paul Jones                                 E-Mail:          jpj@es.net
 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory           ISU Voice:   (208) 282-5196
 Energy Sciences Network - ESnet                 LBNL Cell:   (510) 604-7434
 Network Technical Service Group                 Pager:    page-jones@es.net
 To view an open trouble ticket:        finger <ticket-number>@ticket.es.net
 ESnet   -   Connecting people, information and resources. http://www.es.net