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Subject: CCPR 6772 [TTS #7207 Update - JLab<->U of Richmond Packet Losses]

The following is a reply to CCPR report from philpott@jlab.org

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 Received: from jlab1.jlab.org (jlab1.jlab.org [])
 	by ccs4.jlab.org (8.11.0/8.11.0) with ESMTP id f1RN0PI08602
 	for <Sandy.Philpott@jlab.org>; Tue, 27 Feb 2001 18:00:25 -0500 (EST)
 Received: from mail1.es.net (mail1.es.net [])
 	by jlab1.jlab.org (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id SAA24431
 	for <Sandy.Philpott@jlab.org>; Tue, 27 Feb 2001 18:00:24 -0500 (EST)
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 Message-ID: <3A9C31BB.CE1742D4@es.net>
 Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 15:01:15 -0800
 From: John Paul Jones <jpj@es.net>
 Organization: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / ESnet
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.73 [en] (WinNT; U)
 X-Accept-Language: en
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 To: John Lawson <lawsonj@vt.edu>
 CC: Sandy Philpott <Sandy.Philpott@jlab.org>, chiles@vt.edu,
    "trouble@es.net" <trouble@es.net>, hector@vt.edu
 Subject: Re: TTS #7207 Update - JLab<->U of Richmond Packet Losses
 References: <>
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Hi John,
         Although there are still some packet losses, this looks much more
 reasonable.  Your fix seems to have done the trick!  We'll verify that our end user
 sees this as well & continue to monitor for 24 hours before closing our ticket.
 Thanks, John.
 cebaf-rt1#trace psc1.richmond.edu
 Tracing the route to psc1.richmond.edu (
   1 dchub-jlab.es.net ( 20 msec 28 msec 20 msec
   2 dcconn-dchub.es.net ( 236 msec 240 msec 212 msec
   3 nvirginia-dcconn.es.net ( 44 msec 44 msec 44 msec
   4 [AS 7066] 48 msec 48 msec 48 msec
   5 [AS 1239] 48 msec 52 msec 56 msec
   6 checkov.richmond.edu ( [AS 7066] 52 msec 52 msec 52 msec
   7 BB-M1FW.richmond.edu ( [AS 7066] 56 msec 56 msec 60 msec
   8 BB1-F1M1.richmond.edu ( [AS 7066] 64 msec 52 msec
     BB2-F1M1.richmond.edu ( [AS 7066] 56 msec
   9 psc1.richmond.edu ( [AS 7066] 52 msec 56 msec 56 msec
 cebaf-rt1#ping psc1.richmond.edu
 Sending 1000, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
 Success rate is 97 percent (978/1000), round-trip min/avg/max = 48/56/256 ms
 John Lawson wrote:
 > Folks,
 > Has this improved any at all. We found a configuration problem with the
 > IBGP peering between the GSR and 7507.
 > John
 > At 01:54 PM 2/26/01 -0800, John Paul Jones wrote:
 > >Hi
 Sandy, excepting the 3% packet loss that may be congestion at the University of
 Richmond end, does the problem look OK from your end now?  Please let me know by
 replying to trouble@es.net referencing our ticket TTS #7207.  Thanks, John.
 ESnet Operations, please update TTS #7207.  Thanks, John.
 John Paul Jones                                 E-Mail:          jpj@es.net
 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory           ISU Voice:   (208) 282-5196
 Energy Sciences Network - ESnet                 LBNL Cell:   (510) 604-7434
 Network Technical Service Group                 Pager:    page-jones@es.net
 To view an open trouble ticket:        finger <ticket-number>@ticket.es.net
 ESnet   -   Connecting people, information and resources. http://www.es.net