Classical Mechanics


The following table contains the homework problem assignments and reading assignments for Classical Mechanics for the spring, 2022 semester. The problems are taken from Classical Mechanics: A Modern Perspective by Barger and Olsson (B&O) and locally developed ones that are listed below. Some of the reading assignments are from Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Knight (Kn).

Jan 10 Read the syllabus; Chap 1 - 1,2 in B&O; Read Section 6.5 in Kn; install Mathematica, instructions here; text Chap 1, lecture. Jan 12 Chap 1 - 7,9 in B&O, report on chisovFalling.nb due Wednesday, Jan 19; read guidance on lab writeups and see a sample here; HW on 1D free fall - 1,2,3,4.
Jan 17 MLK Day - no class. Jan 19 HW on oscillators - 1,2; Chap 1 - 14,15; Read Kn 15.1-15.4,15.7.
Jan 24 HW on oscillators - 3,4,5 Jan 26 HW on oscillators - 6; Chap 1 - 16,17; lab 'Wiggling Cantilevers' due on Wed, Feb 2.
Jan 31 HW on oscillators - 7; Chap 2 - 2; Read Kn 10.1-10.5 Feb 2 HW on Molecular Vibrations - 1,2,3,4,5,7; hand in 5 and 7 on Monday Feb 9; see guidance on doing homework; Chap 2 - 7,8
Feb 7 Chap 2 - 19,20; HW on Molecular Vibrations - 6; HW on the Pendulum - 1,2,4,5; Read Kn 15.5-15.6. Feb 9 Read Sections 3.1-3.2 B&O; Chap 3 - 1,3,5a; HW on the Pendulum - 3; Test in one week.
Feb 14 Read Sections 3.1-3.2 B&O; Chap 3 - 7a. Feb 16 Test 1
Feb 21 HW on Normal Modes - 1,2 Feb 23 HW on Normal Modes - 3,9, hand in no. 9 Wed, Mar 2; see guidance on homework write-ups; B&O Chap 3 - 5b.
Feb 28 HW on Normal Modes - 4,5,9; no. 9 due Wed, Mar 2; Chap 3 - 5.c; see eigen2.nb for Mathematica tools. Mar 2 HW on Normal Modes - 6,7; Chap 3 - 5.d, 5.e, 7.b.
Mar 7 Spring Break Mar 9 Spring Break
Mar 14 HW on Collisions - 1,2; B&O Chap 4 - 9,10; Hand in B&O Chap 4 - 9 with a proton energy of 5 MeV and an angle of 40 deg on Wed, Mar 16. See instructions here; Mar 16 HW on Collisions - 3,4,5; B&O Chap 4 - 11,12.
Mar 21 Read B&O Section 6.1; Kn 13.1-13.6; B&O Chap 6 - 1,3,4; HW on Rutherford Scattering - 1; Read this Mar 23 Read B&O Section 5.1; &O Chap 5 - 3; HW on Rutherford Scattering - 2,3;
Mar 28 Test 2 Mar 30 Chap 5 - 1,5; HW on Rutherford Scattering - 4.
Apr 4 report on Rutherford Orbits due Wednesday, April 6; B&O Chap 5 - 6,7; HW on Rutherford Scattering - 5,6. Apr 6 B&O Chap 5 - 7,11; HW on Rutherford Scattering - 7,8.
Apr 11 Report on Nuclear size lab due Monday, Apr 18; read guidance on lab writeups and see a sample here; HW on Rutherford Scattering - 13,14. Apr 13 B&O Chap 6 - 3,4,5; Read Kn 16.1-16.3, 16.9.
Apr 18 B&O Chap 6 - 6,8; HW on Extrasolar planets - 1,2,3. Apr 20 HW on Extrasolar planets - 4,5.

Final Exam: Tuesday, April 26, 9 am - 12 noon

Local homework sets.

1D Free Fall Oscillators
Molecular Vibrations The Pendulum
Normal Modes Collisions
Rutherford Scattering Newtonian Cosmology
Extra Solar Planets  

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