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Re: great balls of fire

Jerry and Mike,

One thing that was not done on all the nodes was modifying the
/etc/export file so that psc1 can see both the /scratch and /data
disks.  I made the appropriate changes on all the machines and
once I kill my jobs, I'll try to manual restart "nfs" on all the machines.

This may or may not work and if it doesn't the guaranteed way to get
things to work is to reboot.

For future reference you will be able to "see" the /data and /scratch
disks on psc1 at:  /net/psc??/data  or /net/psc??/scratch

presently the machines only export to psc1, should we add your individual
machines to the export list as well???

I should have cleared this up before hand, are you guys planning on
paying me for the this work??  If so do I need to send in a "bill"
or number of hours worked.  I need to know soon since, if there is
no money available to pay me..I won't take last friday as a vacation

Anyway, I'd be interested to know how "hot" the computer room
is in the morning after running gsim all night...


Arne Freyberger         
JLAB (Mail Stop 12H)    Phone: (757) 269-6268  
12000 Jefferson Avenue  Pager: (757) 249-6268  freyberg@cebaf.gov
Newport News, VA 23606   Phax: (757) 269-5800  http://claspc1.cebaf.gov