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Re: great balls of fire

Jerry and Mike,

Things appear to have run rather smoothly over the night.  The throughput
was about 100,000 events in 9hrs (this was a 4Gev electron run)...so
about 1/4 million events per day.

I cleaned up my two scripts (gsim.batch and mk_gsim.batch) a bit and am
testing them out now...

Once I get all the /scratch and /data disks properly exported I'll work
on a script to collect the data from the local disks...(this will probably


Arne Freyberger         
JLAB (Mail Stop 12H)    Phone: (757) 269-6268  
12000 Jefferson Avenue  Pager: (757) 249-6268  freyberg@cebaf.gov
Newport News, VA 23606   Phax: (757) 269-5800  http://claspc1.cebaf.gov