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Re: [sales] A modification to a previous price quote

>   I recently received a quote from Mr. Tim O'Mahoney for a
>Linux clsuter featuring 10 dual-pentium computers (quote number
>981119-T1). I would like to modify two of the items in the

I'll try to help you while Tim is on vaacation.  Tim will
be back December 7th.  Please feel free to continue emailing
sales@varesearch.com or call me directly at 1-888-LINUX-4U x125.

I've quoted you three Panasonic 21" monitors (20" viewable).
I also upgraded the video cards in two additional machines
(for three total) to drive those monitors.

>Item 7 is for a single 19" monitor. I would like this changed to
>three 20" monitors. We will use one node in the cluster as a firewall
>and put one of the monitors directly on that machine. The other
>two monitors we will use with the two KVM switches for use with the
>other nodes in the cluster.

Unfortunately, I forgot to adjust the number of keyboard, mice,
and keyboard/video/mouse cables.  I'll do that with a future 

>Item 8 is for an HP 5648 tape drive. I would like to change it to
>two HP 5648 tape drives. Our experience has been that
>more than a single tape drive can be very useful on these systems.

I've raised the number of tape drives from 1 to 2.  It appears
from your quote that you were intending to put two 18GB drives
in each system.  If this is true, that won't work as originally
quoted with the machines that house tape drives.  The tape
drives are double-height.  Along with the CD-ROM, there isn't enough
room for two 18GB drives.  What I've done is quote two separate
external disk drive enclosures for the two tape drive systems.
For those two systems, we'll install the 18GB drives in the external
enclosures.  The other eight systems will have drives mounted

I also re-calculated your volume discount and have included
shipping charges for shipment to Virginia.

VA Research