Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
International Trade
International Monetary Systems
Current Teaching
Fall 2020:
Econ 272 - Macroeconomic Theory - Materials available on blackboard.
Past Teaching
University of Richmond:
Econ 102 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
Econ 272 - Macroeconomic Theory
Econ 372 - Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics (Numerical Methods)
University of Minnesota:
Summer 2014:
Econ 4431W - International Trade
Summer 2013:
Econ 3951 - Senior Thesis
Spring 2013:
Writing Assistant for
Econ 4431W - International Trade
Fall 2012:
Summer 2012:
Writing Assistant for
Econ 4331W - Development
Instructor for
Econ 4431W - International Trade
Spring 2012:
Instructor for
Econ 4432W - International Finance
Fall 2011:
TA for
Econ 1101 - Principles of Microeconomics
Summer 2011:
Spring 2011:
Instructor for
Econ 3951 - Senior Thesis
Fall 2010:
Instructor for
Econ 1101 - Principles of Microeconomics
Summer 2010:
Instructor for
Econ 3951 - Senior Thesis
Spring 2010:
TA for
Econ 1101 - Principles of Microeconomics
Fall 2009:
TA for
Econ 1101 - Principles of Microeconomics
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