Syllabus for Both Sections Available [here]
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Welcome to the Econ 102, Fall 2015 Page! I will be available to discuss any questions or concerns that you have about the class during office hours, by appointment, and via email.
I don't require a textbook for this course, but I will teach primarily from Cowen & Taborrok's "Modern Principles: Macroeconomics", 2nd edition
Also useful will be Mankiw's "Brief Principles of Macroeconomics", any edition
I will not assign anything directly from either book, so you are welcome to buy a copy or not, or choose to share a copy with a friend. Additionally, I will place a copy of each on reserve at the library. Many students find having their own copy useful, so it may be in your best interest to have a copy of at least Cowen and Taborrok.
Course Documents
Homework 1 Available [here]
Tentative Schedule
Aug 24: Classes begin.
Aug 27: HW 1 Distributed.
Sept 3: HW Quiz 1 (at beginning of class), HW 2 Distributed.
Sept 10: HW Quiz 2, HW 3 Distributed.
Sept 17: HW Quiz 3 (at beginning of class), HW 4 Distributed.
Sept 24: HW Quiz 4.
Oct 1: Midterm I in class, HW 5 Distributed.
Oct 13: Fall Break - no class.
Oct 13: HW Quiz 5, HW 6 Distributed.
Oct 22: HW Quiz 6, HW 7 Distributed.
Oct 29: HW Quiz 7, HW 8 Distributed.
Nov 5: HW Quiz 8, HW 9 Distributed.
Nov 12: HW Quiz 9.
Nov 19: Midterm II, HW 10 Distributed.
Nov 26: Thanksgiving break - no class.
Dec 3: HW Quiz 10 & Final Review.
The final exam will take place on Dec 8 (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm) for Section 04 and Dec 10 (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm) for Section 05.
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The views expressed here are mine only and do not represent views or opinions of any institution with which I am affiliated.