All the class lessons and video tutorials will be developed on Microsoft Windows machines. However, all software should work using your MAC operating system, but the workflow of the tasks on my video tutorials might differ using your MAC operating system. For instance, starting and stopping services and setting up environment variables are not the same with the MAC operating system. Therefore, my suggestion is to install parallels on your MAC if you want to use your personal MAC machine. If your MAC has their M1 proprietary chip instead of an Intel Chip, you may only install parallels because bootcamp is not supported. Instructions for MAC users may be found here. You may also access all software by establishing a remote desktop connection to a machine in one of the computer labs on campus. It is not required that you use your personal machine for this course. However, it may be helpful because the computer labs may not be available when you want to work.
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The course software may be downloaded from the following: 1) Python3 & 2) PyCharm Community Edition (Click the community edition button and not the professional edition button).