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In this case, you are a data analyst working at Mattson Music. They are similar to music ventures such as Pandora and Spotify, but Mattson's uniqueness is its large collection of independent musicians who put their music on their platform. Mattson Music has a freemium business model where certain features are available for free but the premium content is only available for customers who pay the monthly subscription fee. Mattson Music is looking to leverage your machine learning knowledge to construct a predictive model to predict whether a customer will be a paid customer or a free customer. The challenge with freemium business models is convincing customers to become paying customers when they can get enough basic services for free.

This project requires you to apply your knowledge of different machine learning algorithms. It is a great opportunity to assess how much you have learned about training and testing machine learning models. You will complete the entire project lifecycle for this machine learning project.

The detailed case narrative and raw data files may be found here.