Calendar of Readings

PHIL 380:01/PHRE 386:02: Seminar
in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant
Drs. McWhorter and Gruber
Fall, 1997

The Required Texts in this course are:
Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Practical Reason (Prometheus)
Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Ethics
(Infield trans., Hackett)
Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals with "On a Supposed Right
to Lie Because of Philanthropic Concerns
(3rd Ed., Ellington trans., Hackett)
Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Moral
(Humphrey trans., Hackett)
Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals (Gregor trans., Cambridge)

The Recommended Texts in this course are:
Immanuel Kant, The Conflict of the Faculties (Gregor trans., Nebraska)
Immanuel Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (Southern IL U. Press)

Please Note: The following reading and assignments dates correspond to the class days for Dr. McWhorter's class at the University of Richmond. Dr. Gruber's readings and assignments are almost identical, but the Truman State class meets on a slightly different weekly schedule. For Dr. Gruber's schedule click here.

Please Note Further: Supplementary Reading Assignments may be given from time to time; most of these will come from Kant's Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Students will be held responsible for the material in these supplementary reading assignments both as part of their preparation for participation in class and as part of their team presentations.

August 27:
Introduction to the course; no reading assignment.

September 1:
Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, 13-58. (That includes the Preface, Introduction, and Book One up to the Deduction of the Fundamental Principles.) A translation of The Critique of Practical Reason is available online.

September 3:
Critique of Practical Reason, 59-130 (from the Deduction of the Fundamental Principles through the end of Book One); team presentation #1. (Team #1 = Jeremy King, Matt Tomkiel, and Graham Cridland.)

September 8:
Critique of Practical Reason, 131-69 (Book Two, section 1-7); team presentation #2. (Team #2 = Henry Chang, Steven Pate, and Greg Delassus.)

September 10:
Critique of Practical Reason, 170-93 (Book Two, sect. 7 through the end); team presentation #3. (Team #3 = Jim Shonk, Clayton O'Connor, and Garrick Hamilton.)

September 15:
Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, 1-18; team presentation #4.(Team #4 = Matt Brensilver, Ben Allensworth, and Phil Kirkpatrick.)

September 17:
Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, 19-48; team presentation #5. (Team #5 = Craig Cronheim, Jen Na, and John Powers.)

September 22:
Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, 49-62; team presentation #6. (Team 1: Jeremy King, Matt Tomkiel, and Graham Cridland.)

September 24:
Library Internet Workshop; further discussion of Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals.

September 29:
Lectures on Ethics, 224-35; team presentation #7. (Team 2: Henry Chang, Steven Pate, and Greg Delassus.)

October 1:
Lectures on Ethics, 11-20, 36-47; team presentation #8. (Team 3: Jim Shonk, Clayton O'Connor, and Garrick Hamilton.)

October 6:
Lectures on Ethics, 116-147; team presentation #9 (Team 4: Matt Brensilver, Ben Allensworth, and Phil Kirkpatrick); first set of ethics papers due.

October 8:
Lectures on Ethics, 148-171, 239-251; team presentation #10 (Team 5: Craig Cronheim, Jen Na, and John Powers); first set of critiques due. Class members have until October 20 to respond to both the papers and the critiques, which you can do through the Online Discussion Group.

October 13:
NO CLASS: Fall Break.

October 15:
Lectures on Ethics, 52-57, 59-69. Henry Chang will lead the class.

October 20:
Metaphysics of Morals, 1-22; team presentation #11 (Team 1: Jeremy King, Matt Tomkiel, and Graham Cridland); Oct. 6 ethics papers due in final form; second set of ethics papers due.

October 22:
Metaphysics of Morals, 47-86; team presentation #12 (Team 2: Henry Chang, Steven Pate, and Greg Delassus); second set of critiques due.

October 27:
Metaphysics of Morals, 47-86; team presentation #13 (Team 3: Jim Shonk, Clayton O'Connor, and Garrick Hamilton); third set of ethics papers due.

October 29:
Metaphysics of Morals,87-113; team presentation #14 (Team 4: Matt Brensilver, Ben Allensworth, and Phil Kirkpatrick); third set of critiques due.

November 3:
Metaphysics of Morals, 114-138; team presentation #15 (Team 5: Craig Cronheim, Jen Na, and John Powers; Oct. 20 papers due in final form; fourth set of ethics papers due.

November 5:
Metaphysics of Morals, 139-170; team presentation #16 (Team 1: Jeremy King, Matt Tomkiel, and Graham Cridland); fourth set of critiques due. Class members have until November 12 to respond online to both papers and critiques.

November 10:
Metaphysics of Morals, 171-197; team presentation #17 (Team 2: Henry Chang, Steven Pate, and Greg Delassus); Oct. 27 papers due in final form; fifth set of ethics papers due.

November 12:
Metaphysics of Morals, 198-232; team presentation #18 (Team 3: Jim Shonk, Clayton O'Connor, and Garrick Hamilton); fifth set of critiques due. Class members have until Nov. 19 to respond online to both papers and critiques.

November 17:
NO CLASS AT UR: Meetings with students at Truman State. But if you want something to do, you can read Ezekial Lamb's critique of Kirkpatrick.

November 19:
"The End of All Things" and "Speculative Beginning of Human History" in Perpetual Peace and Other Essays; Nov. 3 papers due in final form.

November 24:
"Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Intent" in Perpetual Peace and Other Essays; Nov. 10 papers due in final form. Henry Chang will lead the class.

November 26:
NO CLASS: Thanksgiving Break.

December 1:
"To Perpetual Peace" in Perpetual Peace and Other Essays; team presentation #19 (Team 4: Matt Brensilver, Ben Allensworth, and Phil Kirkpatrick).

December 3:
"An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?" in Perpetual Peace and Other Essays. Remember that this essay is available in German as "Was Ist Aufklaerung?" online; team presentation #20 (Team 5: Craig Cronheim, Jen Na, and John Powers).

December 8:
Course Summary.

December 12:
McWhorter's Class: Term paper due by 10:00 p.m..

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