PHIL 221/WS 221:
Feminist Political Theories

Dr. McWhorter
Fall, 2005

Graded Assignments

For clarification on the policies governing all assignments--including the late policy--see the Policies Page.

Character Project - 25%:
On September 8 each student will be assigned a fictional character whose life the student will develop and explore through four reading and writing assignments and one presentation assignment. Assignments will be described in detail in class. Due dates are the following: September 22, October 13, November 1, and November 8. On November 22 and 29 and December 1 and 6 students will present their characters to the class in groups. One resource for the bibliographic parts of this assignment is available online.

September 27 Exam - 20%:
This exam will cover all material from unit one, The Law, exclusive of articles read for character assignments. It will consist of ten identification questions and one essay question. Students must provide their own paper or blue book and must finish the exam during the class period.

November 17 Exam - 20%:
This exam will cover all material from unit two, Language and Culture, and the first half of the material from unit three, The Economy, exclusive of articles read for character assignments. It will consist of ten identification questions and one essay question. Students must provide their own paper or blue book and must finish the exam during the class period.

Class Participation - 10%:
Grades for attendance and participation are calculated in the following way: Students begin with 80 points. Noticeable and repeated absences drop students 10-20 points, depending on how noticeable and how often repeated. Efforts to contribute to class discussion may raise students 10 points. Helpful and considered contributions that clearly reflect a knowledge of the reading assignments may raise students another 10 points. Therefore, it is possible for students who attend regularly, read, and contribute in helpful and intelligent ways to get 100 points. It is also possible for students who contribute brilliantly but attend sporadically to get less than 80 points and for students who attend religiously but never speak to get no more than 80 points. The moral of this story is: Read the texts, come to class often, speak at least occasionally, and be smart.

Final Exam - 25%:
The final exam will be comprehensive over all the material read and discussed as a full class. (It will exclude material from the articles read for specific character assignments.) The exam will consist of fifteen identification questions and one essay question. Students must provide their own paper or blue book and finish the exam during the designated exam period unless otherwise arranged prior to exam week according to rules enforced by the Arts & Sciences Dean's Office.

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