Graded Assignments
PHIL 272: History of Modern Western Philosophy
Spring, 2004
Dr. McWhorter
There are four graded assignments in this course. Each one
is described in detail below.
January 26th DESCARTES QUIZ:
This quiz is worth 15% of the final grade. It will consist
of five questions that can be answered in a brief paragraph. The
purpose of this early quiz is to give students a chance to test
themselves and see whether their study techniques are appropriate
for a philosophy class and whether they are reading the texts
with sufficient care.
March 3rd EXAM: This exam
is worth 25% of the final grade in the course. It will cover all
material since the beginning of the semester, including the material
covered on the Descartes quiz. The exam will have three parts:
- Five questions that can be answered with a phrase, sentence,
or very brief paragraph. These questions will cover important
concepts, historical information, and general principles. (This
part is worth 20% of the exam grade.) The best way to study for
this part of the exam is to make a list of all key concepts,
important dates and events, new vocabulary, and stated principles
and memorize them.
- Two passages from the texts that students must identify (name
the author and work from which the passage comes) and explicate.
These passages will contain key arguments or theoretical concepts
that are crucial in the development of the philosopher's ideas.
(This part is worth 40% of the exam grade.) The best way to study
for this part of the exam is to begin early! Keep up with the
reading, highlight important passages, bring the text to class
and ask questions about difficult passages, and then just before
the exam go back and look over all the highlighted passages and
marginal notes made through the unit.
- One essay question that will require students to elucidate
key features of a philosopher's work, evaluate that work, and
construct an argument to support that evaluation. This question
may require students to synthesize material and integrate ideas
from more than one philosopher. (This part is worth 40% of the
exam grade.) The best way to study for this part of the exam
is to study for the first two parts and then to get together
with a group of classmates and discuss the material. Debate with
friends the merits and drawbacks of each philosophical viewpoint.
Compare the philosophers to one another and look for the weaknesses
and strengths of each one's position relative to the others'.
April 12th essay on Hume and
Kant: This essay is worth 25% of the course grade. Students
will receive a list of essay questions about ten days before the
day this paper is due. Each student should pick one question and
answer it in a 5 - 7 page paper. Papers should be typed, double-spaced,
and documented fully and carefully. Before undertaking this assignment,
students should read the course policies
on late work and on the honor code.
EXAM: This exam is worth 35% of the course grade. It is a
three-hour exam with three parts, as follows:
- Five short answer questions
- Five passages from the texts to identify and explicate
- Two argument essays
For information about how to study for these various parts
of the final exam, see the detailed description of the March 3rd
EXAM above.
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