1. Safari in Kenya

  Kenya might be known for two things: First, as a Safariland and the birthplace of so many long-distance runners who have made most Kenyans and Africans not only pround, but interested in this sport. It has become customary to see a Kenyan winning the marathon, whether it is in Boston or in New York, as to see Brazil participating in the soccer World Cup. There are other facets of this country that contribute to its world reputation. One can mention for example the paleontological studies of Dr. Leakey. We can likewise mention Ngugi Ngugi Wa Thiong=o has earned thanks to his writings a world reputation in literature. Nevertheless, Kenyan parcs cannot be ignored and constitute rightly to the reputation of the country. Kenya should also rightly enjoy the reputation as the land of animals. To see more on the Safari information, just click on the tiger. He does not bite and will kindly lead you to the other flocks. Here are some animal you may want to see in Kenya. If you want a more exhaustive source, just go to this site and surf.  

2. Tourism in Kenya

1) http://www.jambokenya.com/jambo/feature/swahili/swahili.htm: Here is a set of information concerning tourists who plan to travel to Kenya. It has some rudiments of the language, grammar, useful phrases, places to visit, useful phrases, getting around, on safari, health, numbers, food.

2) Site giving information on tourism:: Another site that gives comprehensive information as well as updated news about Kenya. Anyone in need of knowing more than general nformation on the country is well advised to serf this site.

3) Masai people: The Masai of Kenya are an ethnic group that is well known all over the world for their skilss at cattle herd raising and survival on dairy diet. This link provides you with a few glimpses of their lives.

4) The Samburu are a people related to the Masai and are cattle raisers. This site provides you with a few glimpses of their culture. There is also the the Sumburu Game Reserve. you can surf and see of the animals such as lions, elephants, gazelles, antilopes, warthogs . . . Many African animals have been imported to far away lands and live in zoos or other places. This is an example of the Jackson Zoo that harbors a few African animals. Does the zoo in your city have among its dwellers an African animal?

5 )This is Bwana Zulia's homepage for Kenya with comprehensive data on the country.

6) John Mugane explains the functioning of the Kiswahili verb with the use of images of Nairobi.
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