ABC On Display
December 28, 1998


This is another project for the On Display web ring, ABC On Display.

  • A is for AIX, which I have to learn soon.

  • B is for Bumpy, my child to be.

  • C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me.

  • D is for Diapers, which I don't know how to change (yet!).

  • E is for Entropy, one of the only constants I know.

  • F is for Fireplace (I've got a fire going right now).

  • G is for Guitar, which I should play more often.

  • H is for Home, which is where I want to be (but I guess I'm already there).

  • I is for ICQ, which I'm just learning about.

  • J is for Jean, the center of my world.

  • K is for Kevin, who belongs next to Jean.

  • L is for Lemonade Popsicles from Tropicana, my favorite.

  • M is for Milton and Mozart - their inspiration lives on.

  • N is for Neon, the dog with an attitude.

  • O is for Ow, which Jean will soon yell.

  • P is for Pasta, my quiet canine friend (also for Pizza, the universal food).

  • Q is for Questions, which are better than answers.

  • R is for Richmond, an odd town and great school.

  • S is for Snoopy, who fills Bumpy's room.

  • T is for Theatre, which I like to do but hate to see.

  • U is for Umbilical, the cord I'll soon cut.

  • V is for Vaughan Williams: I listen to "The Lark Ascending" a bunch.

  • W is for Words, which I hope to use well.

  • X is for X-Files, which I have never watched.

  • Y is for Yoga, which finds spirit through body and mind.

  • Z is for Zygote, how it all began!

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© 1998 Kevin J.T. Creamer