November 12, 1998

I've been rebuilding my home computer tonight, so this will be brief. I downloaded the new version of ZZTOP but it made no difference: I was going to have to de-install and re-install Windows. It means there's more work for me, since I have to install all the drivers myself. There's also more room for error.

Despite this, everything seems to have gone well. The hardware has been configured and my software installations are going well. I think I'm going to bring my CPU in tomorrow morning so the gang at the Help Desk can install the additional programs I need.

Jean sent me a message this afternoon with the message BAM BAM BAM in a 72-point font. She says she's never felt baby kick as strongly as she has today. I still have the touch, though: every time I put my hand on Jean's tummy, baby is motionless. Perhaps I have a calming touch. Whatever it is, I hope it lasts after baby arrives. It would be a shame if I lost this miraculous touch just when we could use it the most.

As promised, the weather cooled down last night. My walk home tonight was much more pleasant than yesterday when it was too warm for November. The stars were out, but there were too many cars rushing past me on the bridge for me to take time to admire them all.

Listening: Goldberg Variations (J.S. Bach)

Reading: Lots of hardware and software guides.

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