Mother's Day
Sunday, May 9, 2004

It's Mother's Day. Lela's present was sleeping until almost 8 this morning. We're taking the day easily, after our trip to Philadelphia last weekend for dad's birthday party and Jean's subsequent trip to Chattanooga Monday and Tuesday.

After a nice breakfast, the girls and I went into the den to paint pictures for Jean. Colette is getting better with her painting: her first two pictures were of flowers on a sunny day. Her last paintings were abstract experiments in filling the canvas.

Colette paints

Lela's approach is a bit more...agressive. Painting to her still means paint on hand, hand on paper. After a few hand prints, she began to appreciate brush on paper. Her last work is the result of many stabbing strokes aimed (mostly) at the paper. Nice work for a two-year old.

Lela paints

Lela loves to walk, so after painting, Jean and Lela went off around the neighborhood. Colette and I stayed in the back yard, Colette on the swing and me with my books. This afternoon, during Lela's nap, Jean and Colette went down to the James river for an adventure on the rocks.

Lela has made the transition from crib to bed this week. Other than one spill off the side of the bed early in the week, she's done a great job settling into her new bed.

Lela sleeps

Soon we'll take down the crib for the last time. That will be hard to do.

Oh! And another thing: I've recently started a blog, which is threaded mostly along the lines of my professional interests. Family stuff will stay over here, but you're welcome to keep up with the blog as well.

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