The Hardest Part
Sunday, February 22, 2004

We've now heard from the two schools to which we applied and Colette is now on the waiting list for both.   Jean is going to call our top-choice school tomorrow to find out how likely or unlikely her chances are of coming off the waiting list, and to learn anything we can about why she didn't make the first cut.

We're both concerned, since Richmond public schools don't have a very good reputation.   We may try applying to the local parochial school, but we've been underwhelmed by their admissions office over the course of the last year (first they told us they wouldn't accept our application because we were too early, then in October they told us we were too late and not to apply, and then in January they invite us to apply because they didn't have as many applicants as they thought they did.

Personally, I'm hoping St. Michael's comes through for us.

I finished up my first play since 2001 - Metamorphoses at Trinity Episcopal High School.   What a great experience.   I was disappointed with my last show (Black Comedy, also at Trinity), but that was as much the script as anything else.   What surprised me about this show was that I thought it was an okay show, but in the last days of rehearsal it turned into a great show, my favorite since The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby almost a decade ago.  

We only had two performances (Brian now wishes he'd scheduled more), but both were packed.   Saturday's opening night crowd was so big they had to sit in the aisles and add extra chairs on the floor.   Brian figures it was a bigger house than Nickleby, which drew on three schools for an audience.

Metamorphoses Cast

The nicest part was that the audience enjoyed the shows so much we had standing ovations for both performances.   Alice was brought to tears by the last scenes of the show.   And I guess that's what amazed me: I had the sense that the show was entertaining, but I'd totally missed on its powerful emotions.  


I'm already on to my next show: The Tempest at Richmond.   Rehearsals are going well, but it was nice to take a break this past Friday to go back and be with most of the cast for a wrap-up party.

It's funny: St. Michael's is a big feeder school to Trinity, so I've frequently thought about how Colette may someday attend Trinity, and how I may someday be in a play with her.   Lela too.   But tonight I'm hoping that the waiting list is short, and that we've got a good position on the list.   Otherwise, it'll be a hard time getting to my vision.  

Hopefully we'll hear the good word before summer is upon us. Until then, the waiting is the hardest part.

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