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Slow Network Speed to JLAB
Some time ago your reported slow network speed when transferring files between your research machine and jlab.
At the time I identified two links out on the Internet that were experiencing some congestion.
I have noticed in the last week or two that our Internet2/Abilene connection had been getting some heavy use.
I suspected you might be taking advantage of this resource, and sure enough, the traffic is between Physics and
So, I am interested in whether you are experiencing better file transfer rates and also how you were able to take
advantage of Internet2. Did jlab get an I2 connection, or did they allow you to use a different machine on their network
with such a connection.
I'm interested because we have had the I2 connection for some time now, and you are the first faculy member of which I am aware
who has taken advantage of this resource.
Look forward to your response.
Greg Miller
Network Services
University of Richmond
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gilfoyle [mailto:ggilfoyl@richmond.edu]
> Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:17 AM
> To: hcaruso@richmond.edu
> Subject: slow network speed
> Hi Holly,
> We have some rather poor data transfer rates between JLab
> and the University and I am trying to track down the problem.
> When I do a traceroute from Richmond to JLab things appear to
> go slow at BB2-M1R1 and Janus. The output from the traceroutes
> is in the attached file. The response from the JLab machines
> always times out because of the security restrictions they put
> on all the computers here. Does this make sense to you? Is
> there anything we can do about it?
> thanks-in-advance,
> jerry
> --
> Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
> Physics Department e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> University of Richmond, VA 23173 phone: 804-289-8255
> USA fax: 804-289-8482
> ----