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Re: photo of the cluster

here you go.

gilfoyle wrote:


   do we have a photo (in electronic form) of the new cluster
of the old one? i am setting up this webpage about the clusters
and thought it would be cool to have a photo.


Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
USA                               fax:    804-289-8482

Michael F. Vineyard                     Phone: (518) 388-8353
Department of Physics                   Fax:   (518) 388-6947
Union College                           E-mail: vineyarm@union.edu
Schenectady, NY 12308                   http://www1.union.edu/~vineyarm

JPEG image