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Re: CLAS software & database status

I just remember one more detail: when compiling a1c I
had PROCESS_TAGM undefined. I think not all software
components (headers, sources) now in CVS are of the kind
of accepting this multiple hits tagger processing. If you
are interested in this I can talk to Dennis Weygand and
get over coherent a1 sources able to incorporate this new 
feature. Just let me know - I don't think it is critical.

Luminita Todor
postdoctoral research associate
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
research site - Thomas Jefferson National Facility / Hall B
tel. 757-269-5538

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Luminita Todor wrote:

> Dear Jerry & Mike,
> At last I succeded to put together release-4-4 of CLAS software
> of pscm1 /home/clas/builds. I changed the PRODUCTION link to point to 
> release-4-4. In the end the only executable that I copied over - since I
> couldn't find how to make it link here) was gsim_int.
> I also installed a mirror of the calibration database on pscm1.
> Please let me know if you have any problem using these. Thank you for 
> your patience,
> Luminita Todor
> postdoctoral research associate
> Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
> research site - Thomas Jefferson National Facility / Hall B
> tel. 757-269-5538