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Re: progress on Richmond cluster (but not done yet)


I can see the confusion. Digging through my old notes, I see that /usr
should be NFS shared with the cluster. Currently, the /usr on the nodes is
NOT an NFS mount of /usr on the master.

If you like, I can fix that right up. No wonder things didn't work as you


On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, gilfoyle wrote:

> hi steven,
>    progress! root actually started to run - and then crashed.
> the error messages are below. it looks like it cannot get to
> some files on the master. these files all exist in the areas
> /usr/root/PRO/include/ and /usr/root/PRO/cint/ on the master.
> i compared their file permissions with other machines and they
> are the same so i don't think it is a permission problem.
> step-by-tortuous-step...
> jerry
> pscm1:gilfoyle> bpsh 2 root -b -q /scratch/gilfoyle/e5/24026/run_eod3.C
> Error: cannot open file "/usr/root/PRO/include/RQ_OBJECT.h"  FILE:
> LINE:0
>   *******************************************
>   *                                         *
>   *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
>   *                                         *
>   *   Version   3.02/07   10 January 2002   *
>   *                                         *
>   *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
>   *          http://root.cern.ch            *
>   *                                         *
>   *******************************************
> Compiled for linux with thread support.
> CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.25, Jan 6 2002
> Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
> Enclose multiple statements between { }.
> Error: cannot open file "iostream"  FILE:/tmp/fileHs83TS_cint LINE:2
> *** Interpreter error recovered ***
> Error: cannot open /usr/root/PRO/cint/MAKEINFO
> !!! There are examples of MAKEINFO files under
> /usr/root/PRO/cint/platform/ !!!
> Please refer to these examples and create for your platform
> Error: cannot open /usr/root/PRO/cint/MAKEINFO
> ... this stuff goes on for a while and then
> Processing /scratch/gilfoyle/e5/24026/run_eod3.C...
> Error: cannot open file "TROOT.h" 
> FILE:/scratch/gilfoyle/e5/24026/eod3.h LINE:13
> *** Interpreter error recovered ***
> TROOT.h is an include file in the actual code i'm trying to run
> (eod3.C). root uses a
> C++ interpreter as its command line language in both interactive and
> batch modes.

-------------------------steven james, director of research, linux labs
... ........ ..... ....                     230 peachtree st nw ste 701
the original linux labs                             atlanta.ga.us 30303
      -since 1995                              http://www.linuxlabs.com
                                   office 404.577.7747 fax 404.577.7743