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CCPR 6772 ( bbftp problems)

Your problem report has been received and processed at the Computer Center
It has been assigned the tracking number: CCPR 6772

Message Subject: bbftp problems

Message Body:
    I have been trying to transfer files from JLab to the University
 of Richmond during the last couple of days and failing. The
 problem is the following.
 1. I am using bbftp to transfer files from the CLAS work disk at
 /work/clas/disk3/gilfoyle to Richmond.
 2. I can transfer small files without difficulty.
 3. When i try to transfer large DST files (actually only about
 78 MBytes per file) the connection times out and I get stuff like
 the following.
 psc1:data> bbftp -u gilfoyle -i bbftpctrl bbftp.jlab.org
 Password (max length = 8192): 
 Starting under pid 26401 on Fri Feb 23 09:05:18
 >> USERNAME gilfoyle PASS
 << bbftpd version 1.9.1 : OK
 >> COMMAND : cd /work/clas/disk3/gilfoyle/
 << OK : Current remote directory is /w/work610/gilfoyle
 >> COMMAND : get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 Child 026402 : Error while receiving : Time Out
 << Connection timed out
 Retrying transfer waiting 60 s
 >> COMMAND : get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 Child 026403 : Error while receiving : Time Out
 Read message : Time out : MSG (20,0)Error reading BAD message after send
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 Cannot connect to control socket: No route to host
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 >> USERNAME gilfoyle PASS
 << bbftpd version 1.9.1 : OK
 >> COMMAND : cd /w/work610/gilfoyle
 << OK : Current remote directory is /w/work610/gilfoyle
 >> COMMAND : get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 Child 026406 : Error while receiving : Time Out
 Read message : Time out : MSG (20,0)Error reading BAD message after send
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 Cannot connect to control socket: No route to host
 Retrying connection waiting 60 s
 The bbftp control file I was using is below.
 psc1:data> more bbftpctrl
 cd /work/clas/disk3/gilfoyle/
 get run17469.a00prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a01prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a02prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a03prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a04prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a05prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a06prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a07prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a08prod19.rzn
 get run17469.a10prod19.rzn
 4. This occurs even when I try data transfers late at night (around
 11:30 pm)
 5. I tried registering this problem with CCPR and I get a message
 'Unable to locate the server mis.jlab.org'.
 Thanks-in-advance for your help.
 Jerry Gilfoyle
 Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
 Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
 University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
 USA                               fax:    804-289-8482

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