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Subject: CCPR 6772 [Fwd: JLab <-> U of Richmond connectivity?]
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Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 15:00:23 -0800 (PST)
From: ESnet Operator <operator@relay.es.net>
Reply-To: ESnet Operator <operator@relay.es.net>
Subject: Re: JLab <-> U of Richmond connectivity?
To: Sandy.Philpott@jlab.org
Cc: trouble@es.net
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Your email regarding connectivity problem to U of Richmond has been
received. Someone from our Network Engineering Services group will
be in contact with you. TTS# 7207 has been opened.
Rusty Huie
ESnet - The Energy Science Network 1 800-33-ESnet (1 800-333-7638)
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> Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 17:35:46 -0500
> From: Sandy Philpott <Sandy.Philpott@jlab.org>
> To: trouble@es.net
> Subject: JLab <-> U of Richmond connectivity?
> ESnet,
> We have intermittent connectivity problems between Jefferson Lab
> (jlabs1.jlab.org) and the University of Richmond (psc1.richmond.edu):
> ----psc1.richmond.edu PING Statistics----
> 105 packets transmitted, 42 packets received, 60% packet loss
> round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 79/82/89
> ----psc1.richmond.edu PING Statistics----
> 14 packets transmitted, 11 packets received, 21% packet loss
> round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 80/82/89
> Could you take a look?
> Thank you,
> Sandy Philpott
> Jefferson Lab Computer Center
> > The following is from ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> >
> > when running a traceroute
> > and ping continuously i found that after 30 seconds or so the session
> > just got cut off for 15-20 seconds and then it came back up again (that
> > is why the bbftp and ssh sessions were not working).
> >
> > traceroute was able to reach []
> > but was unable to reach []
> >
> > these are es.net servers and appear to intermittenly fail between these
> > two points.
> > if the file is small enough then it can squeeze through the time window
> > when the connection is alive.