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RE: richmond computer cluster

That's great!  I'm sending an updated quote to reflect the 256MB of
memory instead of 128.  Do you want 1 256 or 2 128'?  You would have
more room to upgrade with 1 256 however it is more expensive.

As for the Kernel, this is something you guys would have to modify.  We
can install the software and partition it however you want it.  It would
be better if you did the rebuilding of the kernel to fit your needs.  We
currently do not have a person on hand with that expertise but, we will

For the one machine as a router, you will need a second network card in
that machine.

Please call me to confirm what you are getting and when you need it.


Joey P. Sims

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	gilfoyle [SMTP:ggilfoyl@richmond.edu]
> Sent:	Wednesday, April 28, 1999 10:19 AM
> To:	Joey.Sims@PonyComputer.com
> Subject:	richmond computer cluster
> hi mr. sims,
>    we have received permission to purchase the computer
> cluster from pony. we have a couple of questions and
> modifications about the most recent quote.
> 1. we plan to set up one of the nodes in the cluster
> as a router to control traffic to the remaining machines
> in the cluster. does this desire effect the redhat
> linux kernel that would be installed in the router node?
> if it does can pony do the modification to the kernel for
> us?
> 2. we want to order 12 machines (instead of 10).
> 3. as i look over the old quote it's not clear to me if
> we are getting 128 MByte of ram on each machine or
> 256-MByte. could you write the quote for 256 MByte on each
> box?
> 4. include the cisco catalyst 2924-XL-EN switch in the
> quote.
> one more iteration through this and we'll be ready to
> write the purchase order.
> thanks,
> jerry
> -- 
> Dr. Gerard P. Gilfoyle
> Physics Department                e-mail: ggilfoyl@richmond.edu
> University of Richmond, VA 23173  phone:  804-289-8255
> USA                               fax:    804-289-8482