Quantum Mechanics I-II

Mathematica Notebooks

The Mathematica electronic notebooks developed for Quantum Mechanics I-II (Physics 309-310) are available below along with a description of how to load them onto your computer. All of the notebooks have been tested on a Macintosh and a linux machine. If you have any problems send me email at ggilfoyl@richmond.edu

The Mathematica Notebook files contain ASCII text, and can be transferred by email, ftp, or other text-file transfer utility. If you click on the file with a web browser you will see all the formatting instructions in addition to the actual contents of the notebook. You should save the file as it appears with a name ending with ".nb" to allow Mathematica to recognize it as a Notebook. The file can then be read or edited using a copy of Mathematica or MathReader. If you received a file through another route (e.g., email) copy/paste to save everything in the file from the line containing (*^ down to the line containing ^*) into a plain text file.

Note: Some of the files are Mathematica movies. These files are often too cumbersome to download with a browser so I have also included a file with only the commands needed to generate the movie.

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