Physics 205 Homework Assignments
Fall 2023

A VERY effective way to study physics is to do the homework as the material is covered in class and then do additional problems when you study for an exam. See the table below for the latest updates on assigned homework problems.

Electronic links to the homework problems are below with the assignments. Solutions for those assigned problems can also be found on the course website. They will typically be made available the week after they are assigned. The problems and solutions are password-protected and are solely for the use of students in Physics 205 and are not be shared with people outside this class. The solutions, in particular, are not be downloaded, printed, or archived in any way. Sharing outside the members of this class, saving, or archiving these solutions are Honor code violations.

The sections labelled 'R' below refer to chapters in the text Six Ideas the Shaped Physics - Unit R by Moore. Items labeled with an 'Q' refer to chapters in the text Six Ideas the Shaped Physics - Unit Q also by Moore. Items labeled with 'Kn' refer to chapters in the introductory physics text by Knight (4th edition, see syllabus). The other labels refer to different sets of homework problems: Rel (relativity), E (electricity), M (magnetism), W (wave optics), and QM (quantum mechanics).

Help With Physics Homework

If you have trouble with homework help is available from me during my office hours (see page 1 of this syllabus) and at other times when I'm available. The Physics Department is also arranging tutoring sessions. More on that as the schedule develops. The Academic Skills Center (, 289-8626 or 289-8956) provides several services including tutoring. A list of their services along with other information is here.

Date   Assignment Date   Assignment
Aug 28 Read: syllabus, read R1.1-R1.5; Lab 1 - do Act. 1-2; Do R1.T.1, R1.T.2, R1.T.6 Oct 23 Q3 - T.1,T.2,M.1,M.3; W - 8,9
  30 Finish Lab 1; Do Rel - 1,2, R1.B.1, R1.B.2,
R1.B.4, R1.M.5,
  25 Read Q3.5-3.6; Q3 - B.14,M.12; W - 14,18,26,27,33
Sep 1 Do R1.D2 and hand in Wed, Sep 6; E - 3,8;
M - 1,3,22; Read Kn 29.1-29.4.
  27 Read Q4.1-4.4; Q4 - T.1,T.3,T.4;
Read Kn 38.1-38.2; Q - 28,33,43;
  4 Read Kn - 31.1; R1 - M.10, D.2; hand in D.2 on Wed, Sep 6; read homework instructions;
E - 7,12; M - 2,7,13; hand in lab manuals Wednesday.
  30 Q4 - T.8,T.9,B.1,B.7,B.12; Q - 29,30,31,32;
  6 Read R2.1-2.4; R Chap 2 - T.1,T.2,T.4,T.5,T.7,
M - 35,36,37; lab manuals due today.
Nov 1 Research Day
  8 Read R2.5-2.6; R Chap 2 - B.1,B.2,B.5,B.6,B.10;
Rel - 33, finish Lab 2.
  3 Q - 33,34,39; Q4 - M.5,M.6; Q5 - Read Q5.1-Q5.2.
  11 Read R 3.1-3,3, 4.1-4.2; Do R Chap 3 - T.8,B.2,
B.3,B.5,B.6,B.9; Lab 2 due Wed, Sep 13.
  6 Q - 35,36,37,38; Q5 - Read Q5.3-Q5.5;
Q5 - T.1,T.2.
  13 R Chap 3 - B.8,B.10,M.2; R Chap 4 - T.2,T.4,B.1,B.3;
Lab 2 due.
  8 Q5 - Read Q5.6-5.7; Q5 - T.3.
  15 Rel - 8,11,21   10 Q - 40,41; Q5 - B.9,M.1.
  18 Test 1   13 Test 3
  20 Rel - 12,14,16; Read R 5.1 - 5.5; R5 - T.1-T.5. 15 Q6 - Read Q6.1-6.5; Kn - 12.1-12.4,12.11-12.12, 41.3;
Q6 - T.1,T.2,T.3.,T.5,T.8,T.9,T.10,B.2,B.3,B.4; Q - 44
  22 Rel - 15,38,39 (graph paper is here for 38,39);
R5 - T.6,T.7,B.1,B.2.
17 Q7 - Read Q7.1-7.4 (to the Collapse Rule); hand in
Q-44 on Monday, Nov 20; Q7 - T.1,T.2,T.3.,T.5,B.2,B.5;
I will hold office hours 6-7 pm Sunday.
  25 R Chap 5 - B.5,B.6,B.7; Rel - 40,41.   20 Q7 - Read Q7.4-7.5; Q7 - T.4,T.6,T.8,B.6,B.7,M.1,M.3.
  27 Read R 8.1-8.2; Do R8 - T.2,T.3,T.4; Lab 4 due Friday.   22 Thanksgiving Break
  29 Read R8.3-8.6; Do R8 - B.3,B.4,B.5; Rel - 22,23,24,25;
Lab 4 due.
  24 Thanksgiving Break
Oct 2 Rel -26,28; Do R8 - B.8,B.9,M.1,M.8.   27 Q - 48,49; Q7 - M.2,M.4,M.5,D.2; Q8 Read Q8.1-8.3; Q8 - T.1,T.2,T.3,T.4,T.5.
  4 Do R8 - B.10,B.11,M.3,M.4; Read R9.2, 9.5; Rel - 42;
Do R9 - T.4,T.5,T.7.
  29 Q8 - Read Q8.4-8.5; Q8 - T.6,B.1.
  6 Rel - 35,36,37 Dec 1 Q - 50,51,52,53;
  9 Rel - 17,18,43,44   4 Q8 - B.3,B.4,D.1,R.1.
  11 Rel - 19,20   6 Q - 55,56.
  13 MidTerm   8 Q - 57,58.
  16 Fall Break   11  
  18 Read Q1.1-Q1.5; Read Kn 33.1-33.4,33.6;
Q1 - T.3,T.4,T.6; Lab 5 due on Friday, Oct 20.
  20 Read Q2.1, Q3.1-3.4; Q1 - B.1,B.2,B.7; Q2 - T.3,T.4
W - 1,2,3,4,6.
  15 Final, 2-5 pm

Final Exam: Friday, December 15, 2-5 pm.

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