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Comment on the Appropriate Null Hypothesis for Cosmological Birefringence

Daniel J. Eisenstein
Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540
Emory F. Bunn
Physics and Astronomy Department, Bates College, Lewiston, ME 04240

A recent Letter [1] claims to have discovered evidence for birefringence in the propagation of radio waves across cosmological distances. Unfortunately, this claim is based on a flawed statistical analysis.

To search for birefringence, the authors look for correlations between the direction and distance to a galaxy and the angle tex2html_wrap_inline51 between the polarization direction and the galaxy's major axis. Plotting the data as shown in Fig. 1(d) of their paper, here reproduced as Fig. 1, they use the correlation coefficient tex2html_wrap_inline61 as their statistic.

To estimate the significance of their result, the authors use mock data samples constructed by randomly picking the angle tex2html_wrap_inline51 from a uniform distribution of allowed angles.gif This is not the proper null hypothesis for testing the dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline51 on the direction and distance to the galaxies. Rather, for the null hypothesis, one should draw the angles from the observed distribution, which in the case of the high-redshift subsample, from which the primary conclusions were drawn, clearly is not a uniform distribution. From Fig. 1, one can see by eye that the polarization in these galaxies tends to align with the galaxy minor axis, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline69 prefers tex2html_wrap_inline57 and avoids 0 or tex2html_wrap_inline55 . For example, tex2html_wrap_inline77 of the points have tex2html_wrap_inline79 .

That this matters can be easily seen from the following example. Consider the region in the x-y coordinate plane spanning -1 to 1 in both directions. If we uniformly fill the first and third quadrants, the correlation coefficient tex2html_wrap_inline61 will be 0.75. If, however, we fix tex2html_wrap_inline89 while allowing x to span -1 to 1 uniformly as before, then tex2html_wrap_inline95 . Collapsing the y direction in this way allows more of the scatter to be explained by the best-fit line.

Hence, we should expect that the tendency of the angle tex2html_wrap_inline51 to prefer tex2html_wrap_inline57 will cause tex2html_wrap_inline61 to be higher than it would be if tex2html_wrap_inline51 were uniformly distributed between 0 and tex2html_wrap_inline55 . By using the latter as their null hypothesis, the authors find a spuriously high statistical significance for their result. Indeed, if the underlying galaxy population truly had a uniform intrinsic distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline51 , it would be impossible to measure the proposed birefringence at all; one could not detect a rotation of such a distribution.

Stated another way and estimating by eye, in Fig. 1 the data are more tightly correlated than they would be if the tex2html_wrap_inline51 values were randomly and uniformly distributed between 0 and tex2html_wrap_inline55 . However, they are not significantly more correlated than they would be if the tex2html_wrap_inline51 values in a quadrant were shuffled among themselves while the best-fit line was adjusted accordingly. Hence, the claimed correlation of the angle tex2html_wrap_inline51 with the position and distance of the galaxy is not statistically significant.

Taking the null hypothesis that the birefringence does not exist and that the angles between the polarization directions and galaxies' major axes are distributed as the data indicate, one is left to explain why the particular direction in the sky turned out to yield a higher tex2html_wrap_inline61 than other directions. This most likely results from combining the inhomogeneous sky coverage--the sample is mostly from the Northern sky and avoids low galactic latitudes--and the propensity of the chosen statistic tex2html_wrap_inline61 to prefer directions that place many galaxies near the center of the spread in tex2html_wrap_inline125 where the tendency of tex2html_wrap_inline51 to prefer the center of its range can best reduce the scatter. It is not surprising that such a direction could exist.

A second error relating to the choice of statistic and null hypothesis is the authors' use of the slope of the best fit line in Fig. 1 as a measure of the inverse birefringence scale tex2html_wrap_inline129 . Because the null hypothesis (either the one they used or the one proposed here) produces a non-zero slope in the absence of birefringence, this is clearly a highly biased and inappropriate estimator.

Figure 1: Figure 1(d) reproduced from [1]. 71 galaxies with redshifts above 0.3 are shown. tex2html_wrap_inline47 is the angle from the proposed birefringence direction, r is the distance to the galaxy, and tex2html_wrap_inline51 is the angle between the galactic major axis and the polarization direction. See [1] for more details. Our claim is that the tex2html_wrap_inline51 are not uniformly distributed between 0 and tex2html_wrap_inline55 but rather are clumped toward tex2html_wrap_inline57 .

D.J.E. was supported by NSF PHY-9513835.

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Emory F. Bunn
Sun Apr 27 11:12:40 PDT 1997