"Forecasting Consumption Spending with Credit Bureau Data" with Stephanie Wilshusen (Philadelphia Fed). FRBP wp 20-22, June 2020.
"In-class Explorations of Macroeconomic Data." Go to this web page for more information on using the methods described in your class.
"Real-Time Uncertainty in Estimating Bias in Macroeconomic Forecasts," manuscript, February 2020. (pdf)
"RIDIT Analysis of Student Course Evaluations," with Bob Schmidt. (pdf)
"The Effect of Recessions on Fiscal and Monetary Policy" with Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy (Lehigh). (pdf)
“Do GDP Forecasts Respond Efficiently to Changes in Interest Rates?" with Katherine Marsten. (pdf)
“Analyzing Data Revisions in a Medium-Scale Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model" with Keith Sill (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia). Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Paper 14-29. (pdf)