1/13 Chapter 1, Chapter 2 Introduction to genetics and this course; Genetic and the organism; Mendalian analysis yes
1/15 Chapter 2 Mendelian analysis (cont.) yes
1/20 Chapter 3 The chromosomal theory of inheritance yes
1/22 Brown Symposium Brown Symposium yes
1/27 Ch. 3 Sex Link & Ch. 4 Sex-linkage; Extensions of Mendelian Inheritance yes
1/29 Chapter 4 Extensions of Mendelian Inheritance yes
2/3 Chapter 5 Linkage I  
2/5 Chapter 5 Linkage I  
2/10 Chapter 7 Gene Mutation  
2/12 EXAM #1 Chapters 1-5  
2/17 Chapter 8 Chromosome Mutation I: Structure  
2/19 Chapter 8 Chromosome Mutation I: Structure (cont.)  
2/24 Chapter 9 Chromosome Mutation II: Number  
2/26 Chapter 9 Chromosome Mutation II: Number (cont.)  
3/3 Chapter 11 The structure of DNA  
3/5 EXAM #2 Chapters 7-9  
3/10-12 SPRING BREAK Have fun and be safe!  
3/17 Chapter 12 The nature of the gene  
3/19 Chapter 13 DNA function  
3/24 Chapter 13 DNA function (cont.)  
3/26 Chapter 14 Recombinant DNA techniques  
3/31   No class  
4/2 Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Recombinant DNA techniques (cont.)
Applications of recombinant DNA techniques
4/7 Chapter 15
Chapter 18A
Applications of recombinant DNA techniques (cont.)
Control of gene expression (prokaryotes)
4/9 Chapter 18A Control of gene expression (prokaryotes)  
4/14 Chapter 18B Control of gene expression (eukaryotes)  
4/16 EXAM #3 Chapters 11-15  
4/21 Chapter 26 Population genetics  
4/23 Chapter 26 Population genetics (cont.)  
4/28 Chapter 27 Quantitative genetics  
4/30 Chapter 27 Quantitative genetics (cont.)  
FINAL EXAM Cumulative  



1. Lectures will proceed according to the syllabus listed above. Depending on the speed at which the material is covered, there may be modifications to the syllabus. The best way to learn genetics is to first understand the theories behind inheritance and then to solve problems in which these theories are applied. To get the most out of this class, I suggest that you read the chapter (or at least skimming it), before the lecture on that topic. Then listen to the lecture on the topic in class. Finally, after class work the assigned problem set. Multiple exposures to new material is a very good way to learn the material. Please note that detailed notes from my lectures and copies of my overheads/slides will be posted on the class web page, so you can just listen in class instead of trying to listen and take notes at the same time if you so desire. HOWEVER, this is NOT an excuse to skip class!!!!!!!!

2. Your grade for this class will be determined as follows:

15% EXAM #1
15% EXAM #2
15% EXAM #3

3. Homework will be assigned on Thursdays and will be due one week later. You are encouraged to work together with your classmates on the homework provided that you do not simply copy an answer. Late assignments will NOT be accepted.

4. If you are unable to take an exam for a legitimate reason, please see me as soon as you know this. Outside of family emergencies, this should be several weeks in advance.

5. Honor code: In order to ensure academic honesty, students shall follow the guidelines established by the Southwestern University Honor System on every assignment. The following pledge should be written and signed on examinations and all other work: "I have neither given nor received aid on this examination, nor have I seen anyone else do so."

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This web site created and maintained by Dr. Laura Runyen-Janecky
Last updated on 12 May 2009