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Instructor: Dr. Laura Runyen-Janecky
Office: MB222
S.U. Office Phone: 863-1409
U.T. Lab Phone: 512-471-5204
Home Phone: 512-252-9763
Email: runyen-janecky@mail.utexas.edu
Office Hours: Th 2:30-3:30
Class meeting: T/Th 1:00-2:15
Lab Meeting: T 2:30-5:20
Class Text:

An Introduction to Genetic Analysis (6th ed.) by Griffiths et al.


Table of Contents

bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Lecture Syllabus/Notes
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Laboratory Syllabus
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Grade Cruncher

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Ask Dr. Runyen
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Homework
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Extra Problems
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Overheads
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Exams
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Sample Lab Report
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Genetic Links
bluedot.gif (914 bytes) Cat Links

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This web site created and maintained by Dr. Laura Runyen-Janecky
Last updated on 12 May 2009