Evolution (BIO 225)

Course Outline

Lecture Text:
Evolution, by Mark Ridley

Class Meets:
9:45-11:00, T and Th, Gottwald S-111 (lecture)
5:00-6:15, T and Th Gottwald S-111 (lab)

Laboratory component will consist of student presentations and discussion of assigned readings. Please note that participation in class discussion will be evaluated and considered in final grading

Tests and Final:
Tests will consist of: multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer and essay questions (spelling will be counted). Each test will cover material presented until that day, including student presentations, assigned textbook chapters, assigend readings, and lectures. The Final will be cumulative to include questions requiring synthesis of material covered throughout the semester, but only presentations since the second test will be included.

Attendance and Honor Code:
Students are expected to attend both lectures and lab on a regular basis. Students in this course will comply to the University of Richmond Honor Code.


Grades will be assigned on a 90-80-70-60% basis; there is no "curve".

No makeup quizzes, lab or lecture tests will be given.


Bio 225 Evolution - Guidelines for Presentation


SYLLABUS-Evolution (BIO 225)

Fall 1997

Note: Bold indicates that a short, 10 minutes, quiz on the previous lectures will be given at the begining of that lecture period.