Tropical Biology and Conservation

Course Outline (BIO 383)

Spring 1997

Conservation class at Macchu Picchu

Lecture Text:
Fundamentals of Conservation Biology, by Malcolm L. Hunter.

Class Meets:
4:15-5:30 p.m T-Th (Lecture)

Intensive week in Peru.

Attendance and Honor Code:
Students are expected to attend both lectures and lab on a regular basis. Students in this course will comply to the University of Richmond Honor Code.

Requirements and Grading:
Exams: There will be three exams worth 100 points each. Final project will consist on an audiovisual on conservation. Students will work in groups of four.


Grades will be assigned on a 90-80-70-60% basis; there is no "curve".

No makeup quizzes, lab or lecture tests will be given.




SYLLABUS-Tropical Biology and Conservation (BIO-383)
Spring 1997

Date Day Lecture Chapter
Jan. 14 T Introduction
Jan. 16 Th What is biodiversity and conservation biology 1 and 2
Jan. 21 T Where is Biodiversity found 1 and 2
Jan. 23 Th The Value of Biological Diversity 3
Jan. 28 T The Value of Biological Diversity 3
Jan. 30 Th Genetic Diversity 5
Feb. 4 T Ecosystem Diversity 4
Feb. 6 Th Mass extinctions 6
Feb. 11 T Extinction Processes 7
Feb. 13 T Exam I
Feb. 18 T Peru: History and population, geographical and socioeconomic context
Feb. 20 Th Inca Civilization
Feb. 25 T Tambopata-Candamo Reserve
Feb. 27 Th Tropical rainforest
Mar. 4 T Biogeography of South America Flora (Dr. J. Hayden)
Mar. 6 Th Uses of rainforest plants (Dr. J. Hayden)
Mar.18 T Overexploitation of natural resources 8
Mar.20 Th Habitat degradation 9
Mar.25 T Exam II
Mar.27 Th Exotic species 10
Apr. 1 T Managing ecosystems: Protected areas 11
Apr. 3 Th Conservation strategies: Managing populations 12
Apr. 8 T Conservation strategies: Zoos and Gardens 13
Apr.10 Th Legal Protection 17
Apr.15 T International agreements 17
Apr.17 Th Sustainable development
Apr.22 T Summary and overview of course
Apr.24 Th Exam III


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Last modified January 9, 1998

E-MAIL:Rafael de Sá