Biology of Amphibians (BIO 513)

Course Outline

Rafael de Sá, Office: Gottwald E-108, phone 289-8542.
Office Hours T and Th 10:00-11:00 am, or call for an appointment, preferably use e-mail:

Recommended Text:
Biology of Amphibians. W.E. Duellmand and L. Trueb. McGraw and Hill

Class Meets:
4:00-6:45 pm T & Th, room S-110

Exams will cover lecture and lab materials. No makeup lab exams will be given. Exams will consist of multiple choice and essay questions as well as material identification.

Lab specimens:
All lab specimens are UR property. Students must replace the specimens if loss or damage occurs, regardless of fault.

Lab hours:
The lab may be used for review outside of regularly scheduled lab hours, a lab key will be available at the front desk of the science library. The lab will close at noon on the day of the exam. Students are not permitted to study in lab while another class is meeting.

Lab Cleanup:
Each student is responsible for cleaning his/her table area and surrounding floor area after each lab and when reviewing material outside lab hours. Students may be assigned duties (e.g. cleaning sinks) on a rotating basis.

There will be three tests, tests will cover lecture and lab materials as well as material covered in class discussion of assigned readings. This course will have a strong component of reading primary literature, student presentations, and class discussion. Each graduate student is required to do a literature survey to locate a published paper that relates to amphibian phylogeny and systematics but that did not use cladistic methodology. Students are required to reanalyze and reinterpret the data, complementing it with additional data, and write a 5 pages term paper on the reanalysis and reinterprettion of data. Paper topics must be identified by no later than February 28.

 Exam I  100 points
 Exam II  100 points
 Exam III  100 points
 Class participation  100 points
 Additional readings and quizes  100 points
 Term paper  100 points

Grades will be assigned on a 90-80-70-60% basis, no "curve".

SYLLABUS-Biology of Amphibia (BIO-513) Spring 1998

 Date  Day  Lecture
 Jan. 13  T  Introduction. History of discipline
 Jan. 15  Th  Phylogenetic principles and species concepts
 Jan. 20  T  Phylogenetic principles and species concepts
 Jan. 22  Th  Monophyly of Lissamphibia
 Jan. 27  T  Phylogeny-Biogeography:Caecilians
 Jan. 29  Th  Structure & morphology: Caecilians
 Feb. 3  T  Phylogeny-Biogeography:Salamanders
 Feb. 5  Th  Structure & morphology:Salamanders
 Feb. 10  T  Structure & morphology:Salamanders
 Feb. 12  Th  TEST I
 Feb. 17  T  Phylogeny-Biogeography:Anura
 Feb. 19  Th  Structure & morphology: Anura
 Feb. 24  T  Structure & morphology: Anura
 Feb. 26  Th  Structure & morphology: Anura
 Mar. 3  T  Reproductive Strategies & Parental care
 Mar. 5  Th  Vocalizations and Courtship
 Mar. 17  T  Eggs and Development
 Mar. 19  Th  Larvae
 Mar. 24  T  Larvae
 Mar. 26  Th  TEST II
 Mar. 31  T  Metamorphosis
 Apr. 2  Th  Metamorphosis
 Apr. 7  T  Water economy and Thermal biology
 Apr. 9  Th  Food and Feeding
 Apr. 14  T  Enemies and Defense
 Apr. 16  Th  Population Biology
 Apr. 21  T  Amphibian communities
 Apr. 23  Th  Species Diversity