Genetics Links of Interest



Information on how to solve crosses - Analyzing crosses
Information on how to solve crosses - Solving pedigree problems
Genetics Glossary
Virtual FlyLab

The Mendel Medal
Mendel's Biography
Online Mendelian Inheritance
Mendelian Genetics Tutorial (covers info in Chapters 2, 4, and 5)

Information on how to solve crosses - Analyzing crosses. (some of the info is covered in Chapter 4)
Information on how to solve crosses - Solving pedigree problems
. (some of the info is covered in Chapter 4)
A genetic counseling problem from the REAL WORLD

Assortment of chromosomes in meiosis
Xchromosome inactivation
Crossing over in meiosis
Solving sex-linked problems

DNA interactive site at HHMI

Information on how to solve crosses - Analyzing crosses
Information on how to solve crosses - Solving pedigree problems

 Dr. Runyen-Janecky's Home Page 

This web site created and maintained by Dr. Laura Runyen-Janecky
Last updated on 19 Aug 2004