Windows 95 Tips and Tricks


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Getting Help Online:

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Windows Explorer

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Keyboard Controls for Menu Operations: Press the Alt key to activate menu selection. Type the key that is underlined in the menu label to select it. E.g. Press the "F" key to open the File menu.

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Taskbar: The Windows 95 taskbar is the long bar usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. It can help you manage your open windows. The applications that are currently running on your system appear as buttons on the taskbar. You can use the taskbar to activate a different window by selecting or clicking it with your mouse.

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Start Menu: The Start Menu serves as a launching point for the programs installed on your system. The installation process normally places an entry for programs in the Start Menu or an associated submenu.

Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

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Using the Recycle Bin: The recycle bin is a temporary storage location for deleted files. Using the recycle bin allows you an opportunity to recover a file you accidentally deleted.

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Deleting Files without Using the Recycle Bin: Occasionally you may want to delete files without having them go to the recycle bin. Be aware that this will remove the files with no chance of recovering them if you change your mind.

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Cut – Copy - Paste:

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Select a Program to Start when Windows Starts: Use this procedure to select programs that will be launched each time that you start Windows.

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Interrupt settings (IRQs) - How to access.

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Send Printer Output to a File

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Windows 95 Developers Surprise

and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for

we proudly present for your viewing pleasure

Right click the folder once more and rename it to:

The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!

Open the folder and watch the display.

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Finding Files and Folders

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Send To Menu

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Saving Files


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Maintenance and Performance

drive: to specify the drive(s) you want to check

/a to check all your local, nonremovable hard disks

/n to start and close ScanDisk automatically

/p to prevent ScanDisk from correcting any errors it finds – check scandisk.log for report information


Examples ( This information from MS Windows 95 Help)

To check drive D and start and close ScanDisk automatically, the text in the Target box should look similar to the following:

c:\windows\scandskw.exe d: /n

To check all nonremovable hard disks but prevent ScanDisk from correcting any errors it finds, the text in the Target box should look similar to the following:

c:\windows\scandskw.exe /a /p

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Information on File Allocation Units


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DOS Command Prompt under Win95

C:\> cd "My Documents"

will allow you to do a change directory to the My Documents directory from the command prompt.

C:\> start C:\"My Documents"\test.doc

will launch MS Word opening the file test.doc.

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Some Win95 Keyboard Shortcuts

F1 Help

F2 Rename

F3 Launch Find

F4 Drops down system resource box in Explorer

F5 Refresh Screen

F6 Tab between windows in Explorer

Ctrl A Select All

Ctrl X Cut

Ctrl C Copy

Ctrl V Paste

Ctrl G Go to - in Explorer

Ctrl Z Undo

Del Delete

Shift Del Delete without sending file to recycle bin

Alt Enter Properties

Backspace Go to parent folder in Explorer

* (Numeric Keypad) Expands everything under selection in Explorer

+ (Numeric Keypad) Expands selection in Explorer

- (Numeric Keypad) Collapses selection in Explorer

right arrow Expands current selection if not expanded, otherwise goes to first child

left arrow Collapses current selection if not collapses, otherwise goes to parent

Ctrl Esc Brings up Start menu/taskbar

Alt Tab Shifts between programs on the taskbar

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Date Last Updated: 1/4/98

Send Comments to: Kathy Monday