Introduction à la Poésie Française

Automne 1997

Tous les grands poètes deviennent naturellement, fatalement, critiques.
Baudelaire, Oeuvres poétiques, tome 1, "Richard Wagner et 'Tannhaiser' à Paris, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1985, p. 793)

1. Fondement du cours. Le cours d'introduction à la poésie française entre dans la ligne générale des études littéraies, et et spécifiquement celles en langue française. Cette exigence littéraire (Field of Study) se décrit comme suit:
  1. The field of literary studies concerns itself with verbal texts read as structures of meaning. While language is a practical tool for thought and communication of many sorts, the particular focus of literary studies is on linguistic creations as meaningful in themselves, and not purely as documents that record meaning outside themselves.

  2. The central activity of literary study is textual interpretation, the analysis of how meaning is constructed by writers and readers. That activity is guided by diverse and often competing theories and methodologies. It is supported by various collateral areas of investigation, including the study of the process by which texts are created and received, and their relationships to each other and to other fields of experience and analysis. The field of literary studies brings its perspectives and methods to bear on imaginative and non-imagion imaginative works alike.

  3. Courses satisfying the literary studies requirement are centrally concerned with the textual analylsis of primary works, give some consideration to competing interpretive frameworks, and give significant attention to one or more of the areas of investigation listed above.
Taking the above into account, this course therefore aims at the following objectives:
2. Descritption du cours.