Français 121.01
Kapanga M. Kasongo
Puryear Hall 216

Drapeau Québécois
Drapeau Français
Drapeau Congolais

Textbook —

Course Description —

Intensive French 121 is an immersion language course, since language acquisition results from high-frequency exposure to and use of the target language. To that end, (1) class meets every day with the professor; (2) students, in groups of 8 - 10, also meet for 45 minutes twice a week with drill instructors who are responsible for reinforcing the material learned with the professor. The course and drill sessions will be conducted in French. The primary purpose of this course is to develop your ability and confidence in communicating in the French language as a result of significant practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The following objectives describe the range of tasks and functions that you will be able to carry out in the target language by the end of the course.

Objectives for French 121 —
  • To control vocabulary necessary to express elementary, task-oriented needs and basic courtesy formulae;
  • To maintain simple face-to-face conversations within predictable areas of need;
  • To be able to ask questions and make simple statements;
  • To talk about past, present, and future events;
  • To write short messages, take down simple notes, and create statements and questions within the scope of familiar topics;

  • To write basic compositions using task-oriented writing and système-D, a writing assistant computer program;
  • To be able to understand uncomplicated sentence-length and paragraph-length statements ranging contextually from social conventions and routine tasks to cultural topics;
  • To be able to understand main ideas and/or some facts from texts that impart basic informations.
    To become acquainted with the francophone world and its cultures.

Grading —
Tests                 50 %  Daily Preparation      10 %
 & Participation 
 Homework                 15 %
   & Compositions
Drill                  05 %  Lab                             05 %  Final Examination     15 %


There are no excused absences except for school-sponsored trips. In such cases, the instructor will need advance notice. Five unexcused absences -- three from class and two from drill -- for personal reasons will go unpunished. Each absence beyond those indicated will effect your final grade in the following way:

1 - 3

Note that more than 10 absences from class will result in failure in the course.

Tests must be taken on the day for which they are announced. Make-up tests will be given only in the event of medically-documented illness or a death in the family. There will be no make-up quizzes.


The student receives a condensed version of the syllabus on the first day of class. A more detailed version is on line and can be accessed at any time. Depending on the evolution of the class, the syllabus may be object to change and modifications.


  1. Communication between the instructor with students is highly prized asset. It is the best way to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. Make it your duty in case of need to inform me of any impediment preventing you from fulfilling a required task, however small it might be. I can be contacted by phone at x8104, 261-5616 (at home), or by email.
  2. Announcements will often be make in class or by email. I urge you to set an account (in case you have not one) and to check often your email within a reasonable amount of time.
  3. The course will be conducted entirely in French. Recourse to English will be done as needs be and will be restricted. French only atmosphere in class in a requirement.
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PLEASE NOTE: The final examination for this course is scheduled for TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1999, from 09:00 A.M. to 12: 00 PM. The final examination will not be given at any other time. You must make your travel plans for leaving campus for the summer accordingly. There will be no exceptions.

The percentages of weighting of the elements in the course grade are subject to change.

The syllabus is also subject to change — portions of chapters in the textbook may be skipped or omitted. You will be notified when changes are being made.

Message au Professeur

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