Dr. Kasongo M. Kapanga

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Academic Profile:

Associate Professor of French
Licence: Bukavu, Zaïre, Université Nationale du Zaïre
M.A. in Applied Linguistics, University of Durham, England
M.A., Ph. D., Vanderbilt University

Academic Interests:

Francophone Literature, Postcolonial Literature, Discursive Analysis, Congolese Popular Culture


Journal Articles

Kasongo, Kapanga M. “Le heros sonyien ou le dilemme des principes sartriens et nietzcheens,” in Francophonie littéraire africaine en procès: Le destin unique de Sony Labou Tansi, eds. Drocella Mwisha Rwanika & Nyunda ya Rubango. Paris: Editions Nouvelles du Sud, 1999.
Kasongo, Kapanga M. "Le Regard du roi de Camara Laye ou le procès des discours antagonistes." Französisch heute, 100 (December 1996): 299-311.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. "Maryse Condé Tituba as Subversion of Essentialism." Journal of Afro-Latin American Studies." 2 (1994-1995): 29-44.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. "Critical Discourses in Conflict: The Case of Chinua Achebe's A Man of the People." West Virginia University Philological Papers. 40 (1995): 37-43.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. "La Doublure culturelle de l'héroïne dans Moi, Tituba de Maryse Condé." Études Créoles (17 (1994): 61-74.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. "Acceptation de l'école nouvelle et flexibilité culturelle: Le cas de L'Enfant noir de Camara Laye et de L'Aventure ambiguë de Cheikh Hamidou Kane." MIFLC Review 3 (1993): 9-19.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. "Intellectualism in Frank Norris's The Octopus and Cheikh Hamidou Kane's L'Aventure ambiguë." Proceedings of the 38th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Knoxville, University of Tennessee, 1988: 13-19.

Book Reviews.
Kasongo, Kapanga M. Review of Strategic Transformations in Nigerian Writing: Rev Samuel Johnson, Amos Tutuola, Wole Soyinka, Ben Okri, by of Ato Quayson.  In The Journal of Asian & African Studies.  (Fall 1998): 294-296.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. Review of Congo-Meuse, by CELIBECO. In Canadian Journal of African Studies /Revue Canadienne d’Études Africaines. 33, 2-3 (1999) : 710-712.

Latest Presentations

Kasongo, Kapanga M., “La démystification de la mémoire dans Le Bel Immonde de Mudimbe et Monnè d’Ahmadou Kourouma..” Paper (to be) presented at the Congrès Mondial du Conseil International des Études Francophones (CIEF), Sousse, Tunisia, May 28-June 03, 2000.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. “Congolese Literature and Its Forms: Binarity for the Same Cause.” Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the African Literature Association (ALA), in Lawrence,  Kansas, Kansas State University, April 12-16, 2000.

Kasongo, Kapanga M. “Pluralistic Space in the Congolese Literature.” Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , November 11-14, 1999.

Courses Taught