Analyze This
March 21, 1999

Colette (my sister) and Shawn stayed all Sunday morning and into the afternoon. Colette was playing with Colette (my daughter), and Shawn seemed to want to hang around and watch the NCAA game (and yes, I have no idea who was playing; I’m pretty sure I knew at the time, but basketball is not the kind of thing I store in my long or short term memory). Jean and I were planning on going to see a movie but there was no way we were going to run off to a movie while Colette and Shawn were still here. Halfway through one of the games the rain began to pour. At some point, Shawn looked away from the game long enough to notice the weather. He decided it would be a good idea to head back to New York.

While he and Colette got all their stuff together, Jean and I began to get ready to go to the movies. As it turned out, we cut it pretty close (we caught the tail end of the last trailer - the one for the coming Star Wars movie), but we didn’t miss the movie itself.

Analyze This isn’t a great movie. I have no doubt that two years from now I could see this movie again and remember little from the first time. Billy Crystal plays himself, or perhaps a toned-down version of himself, and Robert DeNiro parodies himself. The chemistry was pretty good, even if the story line was undistinguished.

Jean and I had a blast. It was the second time since Colette was born that we left her behind to have some time to ourselves. Halfway through the movie I found myself putting my arm around Jean and pulling her close. I honestly don’t remember ever doing that in a movie before with Jean, but it was nice. We pulled close and watched the movie to the end.

We have a habit of staying through the credits at the end of movies. Maybe it started with all those John Hughes films in the 1980s (Ferris Bueller comes first to mind). So we stayed to the end of Analyze This to watch the credits, despite the usher who fumbled down our row (I assumed that he was trying to get us to leave now that the movie was over).

It turned out that he was actually trying to help a couple recover a ring that was lost during the course of the movie. The couple (I’d guess they were both in their sixties) were searching the floor two rows behind us, to our right. As Jean and I stood to leave, I finally realized that they were looking for something. I looked to the floor and saw the ring immediately under Jean’s seat, picked it up and gave it to the woman.

Happy to have done some good on top of our good time out together, Jean and I returned home for an evening with Colette and the Oscars.

© 1999 Kevin J.T. Creamer

It was only cloudy this morning, but by the early afternoon the rain arrived. It was a hard rain, and a steady one. Richmond never gets rain like this.

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Rules for Revolutionaries
(Guy Kawasaki)

Star Wars

Analyze This, Academy Awards, The Phantom Menace second trailer

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